D19@2 Jun 2021 Plain Covid Diary in Taiwan

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added 488 local cases, 12 deaths. 2 Jun 2021 (Wed)
I don't want to tell foreigners how bad the virus' situation is in Taiwan anymore since my English teacher told me something in the class. Unless someone asks me. I feel like Taiwanese people have no rights to complain.
People here are incredibly anxious and constantly blaming the officials irrationally. In fact, our enemy is not only the virus itself, but the international and domestic politics, the foolish citizens, contumacious mayors, and numerous disinformation.
I have no idea which one is tougher, the virus or the people.
I saw a person who said today:
Taiwan is like a model student who always gets full marks. One day, it got 90 scores and feels like it's the end of the world, then it's harshly blaming itself.
That's an accurate description. Those malicious guys should open their eyes to know what the world has been happening for over one year.
I feel like it is a trick when being asked about COVID in Taiwan by some foreigners. The conversation is always going like this way:
"Do you have any plans for this weekend?"
"Nah, we have self-lockdown, we won't go anywhere"
"Let me give you advice as I've been suffering from lockdown since Mar last year"
"Do you know anyone who caught COVID?"
"None of them is Taiwanese, only few foreign friends, the effects were...blah blah"
"Both my dad and mom caught COVID, glad to hear you don't know someone who caught COVID in Taiwan"
They made me feel we shouldn't complain as a Taiwanese citizen. It's always ended with "I heard that Taiwan has done it well, you will be fine"
It made me reflect if I should just say nothing.
I will just say this from now on: "All good, aside from the political issues are much more serious than the time of the US election"
They weren't wrong. It's good to know how we sound like when we complain to other countries. I think, we should be reminded in that way. Many Taiwanese people neglected the whole world and just focused on what we're losing, not how many lives we've saved. I've got tired of all politics and conspiracies.

Vsy的沙龍 的其他內容
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
I Just want to share memes that were spread on Twitter after John Cena had apologised for calling Taiwan a country.
All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.
I hope the rain can last longer, at least one week.
My eldest daughter wanted to make a return visit to the dentist to strengthen her tooth, I deterred her.
The online shopping services have been postponing terribly, it takes more than a week even ten days to receive the things we buy.
“Taiwan, you are too late to join the party, now you don't deserve our empathy anymore, you missed the most exciting moment.”
Google News 追蹤
COVID-19是世界衛生組織WHO為這個疾病的正式命名,而SARS-CoV-2則是其病毒株名字 寫這篇主因是台灣當時宣布「口罩禁出口令」,引發cMoney版友大論戰,很多人說台灣政府太政治,沒有「人道主義」精神,本蛙說你別搞錯,台灣醫療口罩還都是中國進口的,萬一疫情在台灣爆發,你瞬間不能「人道」
2008-9年,我常去東南亞,那時,泰國「紅衫軍」、「黃衫軍」,與「台灣百萬人民倒扁」都鬧了兩三年,我總被問相關議題。 09年潑水節後,我在泰國英文報紙寫文章,講 "how Taiwanese politics polarized."
地震、颱風、中國是台灣的三大危險,地震跟颱風是天災,中國是人禍。但是也因為憂患太大,讓台灣人的能力在這三險中不斷磨鍊壯大,台積電就是這三險練出來的能力之一。換作是一個無憂無慮的國家,他們的人民不需要這些能力也能過的安穩幸福,但天災人禍很多的國家不在少數,台灣為何能這麼特別?比如中國? 因為台灣人是
是的,在疫情最嚴峻的時候,大家確成一片防疫隔離假請好請滿的時候,我拖著不去打疫苗直到大家都打到第三劑我才去打第一劑的時候,我都沒確診過covid,我們家除了塔爸確過,其他人皆是天選之人 塔爸、塔弟兩個加上我打完疫苗也都沒什麼副作用,只有我左手痠痛連我最期待的發燒都沒有,就在昨天早上我一起床還以
❙臺灣❙ 當局有很多舉措總是令人不明所以。 說了多少遍 ❙臺灣❙ 的主要威脅來自內部而非外部?  ❙王志安❙ 得以擾攘 ❙臺灣❙ 總統大選一事又再次令人匪夷所思。
The result of the 2024 Legislative election makes Taiwan a moderately pluralistic congress in the coming four years. This is common in democratic coun
百姓總是對時局不滿,而公民做出積極的行動。 昨晚的自訓團,來了英法兩國的媒體採訪,團長說明了我們的運作以及面對中共威脅的自我防衛意志,讓外媒知道台灣有這樣的聲音與行動很重要。結束後夥伴們在寒夜中站了一會兒,相互取暖心頭卻仍難掩不安,再三天,台灣的命運又將再次被自己或被別的我們所決定。
這次大選,因為我自己現在論文趕稿的地獄當中,關心歸關心,沒空多寫文章。 但投票在即,在怎樣都要寫一篇。 台灣是個很不正常的國家,首先,我們曾被一個獨裁國家殖民,那個國家名叫中華民國,當年二戰後接受美軍託管,卻強佔台灣 ,結果後來自己在東亞大地區的國家亡國了,反倒把自己接受託管的地區當成自己的國土
COVID-19是世界衛生組織WHO為這個疾病的正式命名,而SARS-CoV-2則是其病毒株名字 寫這篇主因是台灣當時宣布「口罩禁出口令」,引發cMoney版友大論戰,很多人說台灣政府太政治,沒有「人道主義」精神,本蛙說你別搞錯,台灣醫療口罩還都是中國進口的,萬一疫情在台灣爆發,你瞬間不能「人道」
2008-9年,我常去東南亞,那時,泰國「紅衫軍」、「黃衫軍」,與「台灣百萬人民倒扁」都鬧了兩三年,我總被問相關議題。 09年潑水節後,我在泰國英文報紙寫文章,講 "how Taiwanese politics polarized."
地震、颱風、中國是台灣的三大危險,地震跟颱風是天災,中國是人禍。但是也因為憂患太大,讓台灣人的能力在這三險中不斷磨鍊壯大,台積電就是這三險練出來的能力之一。換作是一個無憂無慮的國家,他們的人民不需要這些能力也能過的安穩幸福,但天災人禍很多的國家不在少數,台灣為何能這麼特別?比如中國? 因為台灣人是
是的,在疫情最嚴峻的時候,大家確成一片防疫隔離假請好請滿的時候,我拖著不去打疫苗直到大家都打到第三劑我才去打第一劑的時候,我都沒確診過covid,我們家除了塔爸確過,其他人皆是天選之人 塔爸、塔弟兩個加上我打完疫苗也都沒什麼副作用,只有我左手痠痛連我最期待的發燒都沒有,就在昨天早上我一起床還以
❙臺灣❙ 當局有很多舉措總是令人不明所以。 說了多少遍 ❙臺灣❙ 的主要威脅來自內部而非外部?  ❙王志安❙ 得以擾攘 ❙臺灣❙ 總統大選一事又再次令人匪夷所思。
The result of the 2024 Legislative election makes Taiwan a moderately pluralistic congress in the coming four years. This is common in democratic coun
百姓總是對時局不滿,而公民做出積極的行動。 昨晚的自訓團,來了英法兩國的媒體採訪,團長說明了我們的運作以及面對中共威脅的自我防衛意志,讓外媒知道台灣有這樣的聲音與行動很重要。結束後夥伴們在寒夜中站了一會兒,相互取暖心頭卻仍難掩不安,再三天,台灣的命運又將再次被自己或被別的我們所決定。
這次大選,因為我自己現在論文趕稿的地獄當中,關心歸關心,沒空多寫文章。 但投票在即,在怎樣都要寫一篇。 台灣是個很不正常的國家,首先,我們曾被一個獨裁國家殖民,那個國家名叫中華民國,當年二戰後接受美軍託管,卻強佔台灣 ,結果後來自己在東亞大地區的國家亡國了,反倒把自己接受託管的地區當成自己的國土