以下先貼譯文,再貼原文,原文包含單字在字典的中譯(參考線上Cambridge Dictionary):
圖金霍恩先生知道自己看起來像這樣嗎?也許他知道,也許他不知道;不過,圍繞著我們的戴德洛女士的一切,在在突顯一種,某階級的人特有的狀態;戴德洛女士,在她自己的小天地中擔任領導與代表,認為她自己是個喜怒不形於色的高嶺之花,對平凡眾生而言高不可攀,透過她自己的眼光看她自己,她就是如此優雅;然而,周圍拱著她這個明月的微弱眾星們(近至她的女僕、遠至義大利歌劇院的經理),均將我們的戴德洛女士的軟肋、偏見、愚昧、勢利、及善變等特質摸得一清二楚,並賴以為生,如同她的裁縫師掌握她的身材比例一般的,對她的價值觀計算得正確、測量得恰好,知道她會問最近有沒有新的衣服? 新的流行? 新的歌手? 新的侏儒或巨人? 新的禮拜堂? 在我們的戴德洛女士看來沒有其他心思,只知道在她面前屈膝奉承的人們,來自各行各業及不同族群,他們能教你如何將我們的戴德洛女士像哄嬰孩般的處理好,他們的人生除了照護我們的戴德洛女士以外沒有其他事;他們謙卑地假裝自己依循長濶高深的利他情懷,像格列佛遊記中的格列佛,將整個小人國皇室艦隊改道一樣容易地,釣到一個就釣到全部地,整個打包我們的戴德洛女士及她周圍的眾多人,引領她們跟從他們。
Sir Leicester Dedlock is only a baronet男爵, but there is no mightier baronet than he. His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely(無限的) more respectable. He has a general opinion that the world might get on without hills, but would not be done(加速) up without Dedlocks. He would on the whole admit Nature to be a good idea (a little low, perhaps, when not enclosed with a parkfence), but an idea dependent for its execution on your great county families. He is a gentleman of strict conscience, disdainful(認為自己不喜愛的人事物不值得擁有尊重或益處) of all littleness(卑劣、少量、心地狹隘) and meanness(卑鄙), and ready, on the shortest notice, to die and death you may please to mention rather than give occasion for the least impeachment(舉發) of his integrity. He is an honourable, obstinate(頑固), truthful, high-spirited, intensely prejudiced, perfectly unreasonable man.
Sir Leicester Dedlock is with my Lady, and is happy to see Mr Tulkinghorn. There is an air of prescription(處方籤) about him which is always agreeable to Sir Leiscester; he receives it as a kind of tribute(敬意、尊重的表示). He likes Mr Tulkinghorn's dress; there is a kind of tribute in that too. It is eminently(非常且明顯) respectable, and likewise, in a general way, retainer(受委任的人)-like. It expresses, as it were, the steward(受委託人) of the legal mysteries, the butler of the legal cellar(地下室), of the Dedlock.
Has Mr Tulkinghorn any idea of this himself? It may be so, or it may not; but there is this remarkable circumstance to be noted in everything associated with my Lady Dedlock as one of a class - as one of the leaders and representatives of her little world. She supposes herself to be an inscrutable(不露面色) Being, quite out of the reach and ken(領域) of ordinary mortals - seeing herself in her glass, where indeed she looks so. Yet, every dim little star revolving(圍圈) about her, from her maid to the manager of the Italian Opera, knows her weaknesses, prejudices, follies(笨), haughtinesses(因自認高人一等而表現出的不友善), and caprices(突然、頻繁、又笨的改變主意或想到要做什麼); and lives upon as accurate a calculation and as nice a measure of her moral nature, as her dressmaker takes of her physical proportions. Is a new dress, a new custom, a new singer, a new dwarf or giant, a new chapel, a new anything, to be set up? There are deferential people, in a dozen callings, whom my Lady Dedlock suspects of nothing but prostration(跪拜) before her, who can tell you how to manage her as if she were a baby; who do nothing but nurse her all their lives; who, humbly affecting(在這裡應該是"假裝") to follow with profound subservience(把他人需求放在自己之上的討好他人), lead her and her whole troop(隊伍) after them; who, in hooking one, hook all and bear them off, as Lemuel Gulliver bore away the stately fleet(船隊) of the majestice Lilliput.
我通常翻譯文學作品時,喜歡用意譯,不是一字一字照字義翻,會把抽象比喻換成較適合目標語言及其文化的比喻,比如"His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable. He has a general opinion that the world might get on without hills, but would not be done up without Dedlocks",照字義是說那家族跟山丘一樣老,然後戴德洛爵士認為,世界上可以沒有山丘,但不能沒有戴德洛家族;我個人認為,把山丘改成蒼天,容易令人想到"無法無天"這個成語,似乎在中文能較好的描述戴德洛爵士的自傲,對中文讀者而言,讀起來比較有感。
1.當時代的經濟活動,有部分是老百姓圍繞著貴族提供勞務換取金錢,這在現代也有相似之處,尤其是在公司上班時容易感受到,只是貴族變成大老闆跟有關係的人;雖然每個人心裡都明白,持續的來上班,就是為了薪水而已;但是呢,外表還是要裝出一副很有理想的樣子,就像小說寫的"humbly affecting to follow with profound subservience"一樣,假裝自己吸收陽光跟露水就可以飽,天生喜歡服務他人,這樣才像好員工。