晨勃的意思。(“Morning wood” is a slang term that refers to a person having an erect penis when they wake up in the morning.)
正式的學術稱呼為:nocturnal penile tumescence(NPT)
日本文化/動漫狂熱者。(A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture.)一般來說自認為喜愛日本文化,有追動漫的外國人,或有二次元老婆waifu的人,會自稱Weeb。
上網查了一下,還有一個詞叫做weeaboo。weeaboo感覺是更嚴重一點的狂熱分子,否定自身原有的文化,想要成為日本人,且喜愛hentai(變態/紳士)文化者。A weeaboo is who denounced their own culture, believe they are, or want to become, Japanese, they have a waifu or body pillow if some sort and watch hentai.
hit me up的簡寫,不是打我的意思,是一種表示可以「與我聯繫」,「馬上私訊我吧~」的感覺。例如:HMU on Snapchat,就是到Snapchat找我、約我的意思。hmu when you’re back in town,等你回來就跟我說吧!
I don’t know的簡寫。
shaking my head 的簡寫,用法類似「傻眼」或是「不太 ok」的意思,通常用來表示負面的態度。
too much information 的簡寫,意思是「說太多了」,當對方描述一件過於鉅細靡遺的事情,而你不是很想知道這麼多細節的時候,就可以回他一句 tmi。
I'm so wet/hard right now.
I don't have any panties on.
I'm dripping.
I want you to fuck me from behind.
I want you inside of me.
I want to see you play with yourself.
I want you to undress me.
I want to taste you.
I can't get you out of my mind.
Remember last night when we [insert sexual activity]? Wow.
I want you so bad.
I miss the way you taste.
I can't wait until I can go down on you again.