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Meet Ta遇見獺–金門也有水上活動?
When it comes to Kinmen, there are some people who think that Kinmen is not fun, but we don't think so. Kinmen has battlefield scenery and historical relics, it is very distinctive. After experiencing body board, we also found it very interesting and believed that Kinmen has the conditions to develop and promote water sports. We hope that this sport can become a leisure activity for locals so that Kinmen's Tourism Bureau or government can value this opportunity. Let Kinmen promote water sports activities and choose suitable and safe waters. Not only does it give tourists more choice to visit Kinmen, but it also attracts more young people to travel to Kinmen. It brings some benefits to sightseeing and shows the special side of Kinmen.
『趴板衝浪(Body Board)』
什麼是趴板(Body Board)?不就是趴在浮板上,給浪衝嗎?是的沒錯,它是衝浪的一種,最大的不同點是衝浪者是趴在板上,利用衝浪蛙鞋輔助前進。雖然在大家印象中站在長板上,才叫衝浪。其實趴板衝浪更容易上手、機動力強、樂趣多也不分男女老少!
What is Body Board? Isn't it just lying on a floating board and rushing to the waves? Yes, of course. It is a kind of surfing. Its most different point is that the surfer bends over the board and uses Diving equipment to go ahead. Although in everyone's impression, standing on a longboard is called surfing. Actually, Bodyboard is easier to learn, with strong mobility, and more fun without distinction of age or sex.
2021.10.27 陽光明媚。今日和獺老闆相約后湖。準備體驗期待已久的Body Board.這次的活動很特別,它是金門很少能體驗到的活動。金門海域雖然多,但是很多都不安全。因此,金門水上活動寥寥無幾。很幸運地,能透過獺老闆體驗到新奇的事物。
October 27, 2021, the sun is shining. Today, we meet the boss at Houhu. We are ready to experience the long-awaited Body Board. It is an activity rarely experienced in Kinmen. Although there are many sea areas in Kinmen, many of them are not safe. Therefore, there are very few water activities in Kinmen. Fortunately, we are able to experience novel things through the boss.
Houhu Seaside Park is located on the west bank of Liuluo Bay. It is connected to Chenggong Beach, Shangyi, Sihu, Ou Cuo Sandy Beach, etc. The fine white sand beaches stretching for several kilometers are endless. It is the most beautiful white bay in Kinmen, and it is also a famous place for local people to walk on the waves and play in the water resort.
Under the careful guidance of the boss, everyone will get started soon! After all, it is a water activity, and of course, you must know how to swim. First, do a good job of warming up to prevent cramps. There will be a hand rope on the board, which must be tied tightly. This is an important condition for life-saving. Then there is the balance on the board, which is the key to whether you can stay on the board stably. When the wave comes, straighten up your upper body, supported by elbows and forearms, and hold the front end of the board with both hands. Using the white bubble power generated by the waves to move forward with the trend. At this time, the key point is to balance and feel the strength of the waves driving the board. Under the guidance of the boss, the goal of successful board surfing is in front of us.
上半身儘量挺起, 以手肘及前臂支撐, 雙手握緊板子前端, 這時你跟板子接觸到的地方應該只有前臂跟肚皮, 接著順著浪的力量順勢前進, 雙腳也可以試著踢水, 此時重點是平衡及感覺浪帶動板子的力道,順著浪衝向岸邊。
Keep your upper body straight up as much as possible, support it with your elbows and forearms, and hold the front of the board with your hands. At this time, the only place you touch the board should be your forearms and belly, and then follow the power of the wave to move forward, and you can also try to kick your feet. At this time, the focus is to balance and feel the force of the wave driving the board to rush to the shore along with the wave.
It's hard to describe the sense of accomplishment and excitement that we couldn't even grasp the board at the beginning, and then we could rush to the shore together in the waves. Although we feel that we still have more meaning after the end, we also know the sport and become familiar with some skills. Of course, we also leave unforgettable memories. Everyone who has experienced bodyboard for the first time is also very rewarding. It is really worth experiencing and we recommend it to everyone.
It can be found that he is a man who loves the sea very much. He usually likes to go to water activities with his friends. He not only has professional knowledge and rich experience but also has a passion for promoting Kinmen water activities. He hopes to see more people surfing by the sea in Kinmen and make water activities a daily leisure sport in Kinmen. And he is spreading this interest to let more people know the fun, and then fall in love with water sports.
當這項活動越來越廣為人知時,相信能為金門帶起水上活動熱潮。期許過幾年金門不只擁有歷史遺跡、戰地風情 古蹟民宿、海邊美景等,還有興起的水上活動。那將為金門帶來的益處不僅是吸引更多觀光客的朝聖也會有更多年輕族群的朋友想要來遊玩金門更重要的是當地人的娛樂消遣就多了一項新選擇。
When this activity becomes more and more widely known, we believe it can bring an upsurge of water activities to Kinmen. In a few years' time, it is expected that Kinmen will not only have historical relics, battlefield scenery, and beautiful seaside scenery but also have rising water activities. The benefits that will bring to Kinmen are not only to attract more tourists to the pilgrimage but also to have more young people who want to visit Kinmen. The most important is that there is a new choice for local people's entertainment and pastime.
Google News 追蹤
「翟山坑道」是大金門最具代表性的坑道,全長有101公尺,全程由人工開鑿,是八二三砲戰期間,動員無數人力、耗費五年時間,才辛苦鑿出來坑道。這條水道能夠容納42艘小艇進出及迴轉,又被譽為「地下金門」。 循階梯而下,翟山坑道裡的光線幽暗,坑道內的景像堪稱為鬼斧神工的軍事傑作,水道呈A字形,坑道盡頭接
水上活動 剛開始體驗水上活動時,划船的速度飛快,前方濺起大量水花,弄濕了後方的乘客。這正是乘船體驗的特點,讓你感受到刺激和快感。其實,這種做法與泰國芭達雅的飛行傘運動很相似,都是利用先讓落入水面在將人體拉升抬起。其實有種作弄人的感覺。美其名讓乘客體驗刺激。 十八丁(Kuala Sepetang)
峇里島是世界頂級衝浪勝地之一! 要去哪裡衝浪?哪裡找教練/衝浪學校?新手怎麼入手?在這一篇告訴你
「翟山坑道」是大金門最具代表性的坑道,全長有101公尺,全程由人工開鑿,是八二三砲戰期間,動員無數人力、耗費五年時間,才辛苦鑿出來坑道。這條水道能夠容納42艘小艇進出及迴轉,又被譽為「地下金門」。 循階梯而下,翟山坑道裡的光線幽暗,坑道內的景像堪稱為鬼斧神工的軍事傑作,水道呈A字形,坑道盡頭接
水上活動 剛開始體驗水上活動時,划船的速度飛快,前方濺起大量水花,弄濕了後方的乘客。這正是乘船體驗的特點,讓你感受到刺激和快感。其實,這種做法與泰國芭達雅的飛行傘運動很相似,都是利用先讓落入水面在將人體拉升抬起。其實有種作弄人的感覺。美其名讓乘客體驗刺激。 十八丁(Kuala Sepetang)
峇里島是世界頂級衝浪勝地之一! 要去哪裡衝浪?哪裡找教練/衝浪學校?新手怎麼入手?在這一篇告訴你