更新於 2022/02/05閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

殘緣 Broken Relationship

明朝年代,有文官戀上私塾老師的女兒,朝思暮想連綿三年,決定大膽求親,豈料姑娘回絕,心碎… 緣碎…
猶如斷崖躍下 落
怎得一個愁字了得 閉門關窗終日思念一人
哪一個猜字可解 前生後世何必易結不易解
怎得一個愁字了得 閉門關窗終日思念一人
哪一個猜字可解 前生後世何必易結不易解
記得秋煞楓紅遍地 睜眼開口說的都是同一人
彈的春怨蝶飛滿天 無力難承雨夜一人又喊冤
夜來深長 燭湯沸沸
從頭想起 字言血淚
巾帕擦的去淚 擦不去心中的怨
淚水流的出眼 流不離心裡的圈
在四月竟然有風雪了,在午夜的時候,那已毀損的鐘樓內的鐘,午夜仍在響,整個城內都聽得到。我心裡仍想著那個人的身影。 我的心已經是破碎的了,因為那人的離去帶走了我的心的一部分,我什麼都不怕,因為我不過是一個已經掉下懸崖過後的行屍走肉罷了。
Long ling time ago in Ming dynasty, a duke fell in love with a teacher’s daughter. After three years he thought about her, he decided to go to teacher’s house to ask the daughter to marry him. However, the girl refused his love. He was heartbroken and the relationship was gone.
Broken Relationship, a tune crosses 29 semitones.
It took me 8 years to finish the tune. The lyric was done 8 years ago before the melody. It's a tough tune since it's Chinese ancient literary language so it doesn't sound understandable easily to many people. I had tried a few times composing it but I never felt satisfied with it. One day I finally got the feeling to do it. The instrumental arrangement combines typical ancient Chinese instruments and western instruments. The singing combines Peking opera, normal man falsetto, and the average baritone to the tenor singing range. It's exciting, tough, and fun. Enjoy it.
It’s snowing now in April. The bell is still ringing in that broken tower at midnight. It’s being sounded everywhere in the city. Me, I miss her. My heart is broken since she has taken a piece from it when she left. I feel dead already, like a ghost.
Unstopping sorrow, I’m sad all day and only miss her. Is there a fortuneteller who could help me? Tell me if all those are consequences from somewhere and when and when those will be ended?
I was like this since last fall. I remember the temperature went high and low in a day. The maples all turned red and fell to the ground. I played my instrument in horribly feeling with chaos notes running in the air. They were delivering my resentment. When it was in a rainy night, I barely got through the night.
(Peking opera in the female figure, “I’m not good enough for you. Please you just leave.”)
Nighttime is always long. The melting candle liquid flows down from the flame. It looks like my tears. I think about myself. Every single word you said and I said that was full of sorry. I cried. My handkerchief can wipe out the tears on my face but it can never dry tears in my heart.
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