更新於 2022/02/27閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


原文發佈於:2021/05/14 【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部

The only type that truly is not here to avoid conditioning is the Projector, the only type. Everybody else has a natural resistance to conditioning. Projectors welcome it; they call it in, because this is how they find out about the other. There are always risks in that; you all know that as Projectors. How easy it is to be pulled into that thrall of somebody else’s design. This is the perceptual key for you.
If you’re going to live your life correctly as a Projector, ultimately you will have to realign the beings that are in your life, or you will not succeed. It’s like the seven-year experimental process, this huge transformation that takes place in us cellularly.
For an energy type it’s an absolute doorway. For a non-energy type it is not. It’s so very difficult to go through that process when you are embedded with forces that are constantly pulling you away from the way in which you are intended to operate. You can’t get there.
Being in the Embrace of the Conditioning and Still be Correct The reason that Projectors are placed at the top of the hierarchy in this age is that they are intended to be in the middle of it all and still be correct, to be in the embrace of the conditioning and still be correct. That is an enormous challenge, because it is a challenge to you in terms of the relationships that you have. And it’s risky. This level beneath the line teaches and tells so much. Those forces in your life that are constantly pulling you away from what is your correct motivation, as a Projector you have to understand there is no liberation for you, there is no intellectual awakening for you until you can eliminate those forces. They don’t belong in your life.
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