更新於 2024/04/09閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

English Writing review a movie

Review a movie named “The Best Offer. “


How would you plan your life, if you are a person with the whole package?
如果你是人生勝利組, 你如何規畫你的人生?
What Would you do, if you lose everything when everything in life seems to run perfectly?
在接近完美人生裡卻失去了一切 又將如何?
What would you feel, if someone you love deeply and she is the one you are in love of your entered life, but she is just the greatest tricker?
一生只深愛一人 一生的摯愛卻是最大的騙子, 情何以堪 ?
Emotions are like pieces of art.
They can be forged they seem just like the original, but they are forgery.
感情就像很多藝術精品, 就算是膺品, 總有一些原作的元素, 但是終究是膺品。
The host of the auction who was well educated, wealthy, lived with high quality, in his huge mention, he stores pressures of well-known paintings,
高級拍賣主持人, 擁有財富, 高學歷,高生活品味, 諾大的豪宅珍藏了近百幅史界知名美女畫作珍品。
He loved those elegant women in paintings, He thinks they are perfect and adorable to him, he had never been in love with women in real life until he met a girl who charmed him badly.
他讚賞畫裡完美女人們, 但是真實生活中卻從未遇見珍愛, 直到遇見令他神昏顛倒的女人。
If you fall in love with someone because you are lonely, and you will be lonely eventually.
When he thought that he eventually ended his loneliness, but he is lonely in the end with the over love. 。
他以他已經終結他的寂寞, 每想到帶著逝去的真愛寂寞終極。
He knew how to play games in the auction to earn a fortune with tricky , but he lost treasures in a game by whom tricked him.
他拍賣會玩弄技巧贏不少得真品與財富, 卻在大騙局失去所有。
Movies always show real humilities. What we see in movies would show in the reality.
電影總是展現真實人性, 戲如人生, 人生如戲, 從戲劇看真實世界。
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