2022-06-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

『英文寫作』: the same is true with, as it is for

Tips : 表達 "某(人/事/物) 對 AB 來說 同樣情況" ※ 語意強調 B
  1. (人/事/物) + be 形容詞/名詞 for A. The same is true with B.
  2. (人/事/物) + be 形容詞/名詞 for A. That is the same case with B.
  3. (人/事/物) + be as 形容詞/名詞 for B as it is for A.

例句 : 水對植物來說是不可或缺。人類也是如此。
  1. Water is indispensable for plant. The same is true with human beings.
  2. Water is indispensable for plant. That is the same case with human beings.
  3. Water is as indispensable for human beingsas it is for plant.
※ 語意強調 human beings
  • indispensable (形容詞) 不可或缺的 - dispensable (形容詞) 可有可無的
  • human beings (名詞) 人類

例句 : 戀愛關係對青少年來說是個複雜難解的事。甚至對現在的小學生也是如此。
  1. Love relationship is a knotty thing forteenagers. The same is even true with pupils nowadays.
  2. Love relationship is a knotty thing forteenagers. That is even the same case with pupils nowadays.
  3. Love relationship is as a knotty thing for even pupils nowadays as it is for teenagers.
※ 語意強調 pupils nowadays
  • love relationship (複合名詞)
  • knotty (形容詞) 複雜難解的
  • pupils (名詞) 小學生
  • nowadays (副詞) 現今, 現在, 當下
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