Musky (adj.) 麝香味
例句:We could also found occasionally in the Côte d'Or which is the musky version.
Mouthfeel (n.) 口感
例句:It's full-bodied nature offers a generous mouthfeel.
Chardonanny 已經是許多人接觸最多也最廣的白酒品種,但作者 Jasper Morris 認為市面上有些酒款試圖用過多的桶味來掩蓋缺少原有果味的缺點 "The lack of genuine fruit often hidden behind an overlay of oak flavours."
目前勃根地釀白酒的顯學追求細緻與礦石感,釀酒師為了追求更清澈的酒液會進行氣動壓榨與去除酒泥再進行釀酒。Jasper 引用 Abbé Tainturier 的話,提出勃根地白酒應該使用成熟且果味十足的葡萄。 "... certainly felt that the white wines of Burgundy should be made from rich, ripe grapes."
Chardonnay 基本上是一種無香氣且口感紮實的品種,雖然缺少特殊的香氣但也讓釀酒師有更多發揮的空間 "It is the lack of a distinactive aroma of its own that leaves space for other influences."。溫暖的氣候、種植土壤的特色或是種植與釀造方式 (例如酵母、橡木桶) 都會賦予 Chardonnay 豐富的特色。
因此作者認為 Chardonny 雖然沒有 Pinot Noir 的優雅,但是釀造結實風味濃郁的 Chardonnay 並不會失去其細緻與複雜度,當然要避免製作出高酒精與微甜的爛勃白 “There's no reason why the Chardonnay wines of Burgundy should not be powerful wines since power does not preclude finese and cmplexity.”