Leonardo: "Cowabunga dude [註1], so let's get it on. Reptiles against the fathers of the Renaissance [註2]. We got the classical technique to kick these three toed freaks back under the street [註3]. I take a turtle, and I turn him into mincemeat. You don’t really wanna step on da Vinci [註4]. I love the ladies [註5], I like to keep it mellow, so let me pass the mic to my man Donatello."
[註2] The fathers of the Renaissance =文藝復興之父。文藝復興發生於14-17世紀從義大利開始的歐洲文化運動,當時在藝術界如音樂、繪畫、寫作、雕刻、建築等各方面領域都展現出凌駕於宗教與死後世界的人民主義與人文主義精神。
[註3] Three toed freaks = 達文西罵忍者龜是三隻腳的怪胎,烏龜其實有五根腳趾,然而忍者龜的手指只有三支,腳趾則是兩支。
[註4] You don’t wanna step on da Vinci,step on somebody's toe 踩某人的腳趾是俚語,指得罪某人,所以這句話的意思並非 "你不會想踩達文西的腳趾",而是 "你不會想招惹達文西的"。
[註5] 達文西說 "I love the ladies." 聽起來好像很花,然而達文西一生未娶,這裡的Love Ladies我想,指的是文西哥筆下的人物繪畫中幾乎都 (也相當擅長) 以女性為題材,當然,蒙娜麗莎究竟是男是女就留給各位去判斷。
Donatello: "Hard shell but you're gross in the middle. Wouldn't wanna touch you with a six foot chisel [註6]. Born in goop, raised in poop [註7], I slice through a group of ninjas like fruit oops. [註8]"
[註6] 多那太羅說不想用Six foot chisel去碰忍者龜,chisel是雕刻用的鑿刀,而此句話是借用俚語 Not touch sth. with a ten-foot pole 不想用十英尺的竿子碰到某樣東西,意指不想介入,完全不想碰到,不想扯上關係的意思。多那太羅是雕刻家,因此他將ten-foot pole改成six foot chisel. 表示他完全不想碰到忍者龜也不想扯上關係。
[註7] born in goop, raised in poop 這句話真的是龜身攻擊,忍者龜是下水道出身,所以環境可想而知不會太乾淨衛生。
Raphael: "Raphael and I came to flow, deemed dope by the Pope and I boned till I croaked. [註9] I'm an emcee Shredder [註10] but I get the feeling, I should pass it up to my man on the ceiling. [註11]"
[註11] my man on the ceiling = 我在天花板上的那位兄弟。指的是米開朗基羅,耗時四年多的時間於西斯汀教堂大廳完成的巨型穹頂壁畫《創世紀》,因此當多那太羅叫他時,他還在天花板上忙著作畫。
Michelangelo: "Michelangelo, and I'm a giant. [註12] I made David but I'll slay you like Goliath. [註13] I'm a rap God and you can't quite touch me. This battle's your Last Judgement trust me. [註14]"
[註13] Goliath 就是巨人哥利亞,故事中大衛用投石機擊中哥利亞,再用哥利亞自己的劍將其斬首。所以米開朗基羅這裡嗆聲說 I'll slay you like Goliath.
[註14] Last Judgement = 最後的審判,同樣為米開朗基羅替西斯汀小教堂完成的壁畫,描繪世界末日來臨時,耶穌親自審判世人。善者上天堂,惡者下地獄。(謎之音:聽起來超像格鬥遊戲裡的大絕招。)
Artists: "We drop science, we got the mathematics, we architects of rebirth are rap addicts, you beat the foot [註15], but it won't go well, when you catch an Italian boot to the half shell."
[註15] You beat the foot. 前面提過,忍者龜裡的反派忍者幫為Foot Clan 腳族。這邊與Italian boot呼應,嗆忍者龜就算打敗腳族也拿義大利靴子沒轍。(義大利地圖也剛好是長靴形狀。)
TMNT.: "The wisdom of our master, Splinter, taught us not to rush to violence, but our master, Master Splinter [註16], ain't here dude."
TMNT. Michelangelo: "I can bebop and steady rock a mic sucka, I'm a pristine Sistine nun Chucka." [註19]
[註19] Sistine nun = 西斯汀修女,忍者龜的米開朗基羅為何要說自己是西斯汀教堂修女?其實只是想玩諧音梗 Nunchakus (雙節棍,忍者龜動漫裡米開朗基羅使用的武器。)
TMNT. Raphael: "Oh, hi, I'm a cool but rude guy [註20], put you back in school with the tip of my two sai. [註21]"
[註20] rude guy = 粗魯的傢伙,前面提過忍者龜拉斐爾的個性跟藝術家拉斐爾的個性可以說是完全相反,相當衝動易怒。
[註21] two sai = 雙叉戢,為忍者龜拉斐爾的武器,這邊是嗆說要用自己的武器把藝術家叉回學院 (雅典學院) 。
TMNT. Donatello: "Dona-tell me who you are again, dude? Cause I don't Gattamelata clue what you do." [註22]
[註22] 這邊又是一個諧音梗,Dona-tell me = 不要告訴我,是用多那太羅的名字玩文字遊戲。而 Gattamelata clue = got a matter clue 沒半點線索的諧音梗。同時Gattamelata也是藝術家多那太羅的雕刻作品,為加塔梅拉塔,文藝復興時期義大利傭兵隊長埃拉斯莫·達·納爾尼的綽號。
Artists: "That's because you mutants are too immature. You wouldn't know genius if it pissed in your sewer. [註23] We got the talent, and the minds, and the rhymes so sweet. We're like your NES game [註24], cause we can't be beat. "
[註23] You wouldn't know genius if I pissed in your sewer. 是改編自英文成語 You wouldn't know sth. if it hit sbd. on the head = 直到東西砸到你頭上你才會知道,有種不見棺材不掉淚,大難臨頭還後知後覺的感覺。這邊藝術家隊將hit on the head改成pissed in your sewer = 在下水道尿尿,因為忍者龜住在下水道裡。
[註24] NES game = Nintendo Entertainment System 任天堂遊戲,這邊藝術家隊是嗆說自己就像任天堂遊戲一樣難以打敗。
TMNT.: "You go ahead and hate, we'll just skate on by, you guys draw more dicks than New York pride. [註25] We're the TMNT., drop kicking Italy, chowing on your tower made of pizza. [註26] Save a slice for me."
[註25] you guys draw more dicks than New York pride. 雖然我不是站忍者龜隊但這句真的很好笑,作為守護紐約市和平的變種英雄,忍者龜嗆藝術家們畫過的老二比每年紐約市舉辦的LGBTQ驕傲大遊行(New York pride)還多,當然在文藝復興時期人本主義的影響下裸體畫作與雕刻確實很多,露鳥的作品當然也多,而MV中忍者龜此時特意cue達文西的知名作品《維特魯威人》。
[註26] Chowing on your tower made of pizza. 忍者龜在動漫裡很愛吃披薩,同時tower made of pizza 也意指比薩斜塔。忍者龜是嗆說把你們的比薩斜塔當成真的披薩一樣嚼。