更新於 2024/11/17閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

「所以四季更迭,人生故事亦同」—Noah Kahan Stick Season

"Stick Season",是秋冬交際,樹葉凋零而冬天的雪還未落下的日子。
“At its core, ‘Stick Season’ is a song about feeling left behind and feeling trapped. It's about seeing the other side of a place you thought was only beautiful. As a relationship ends, some place or someone you used to look back at so fondly quickly transforms into a memory of pain.”—Noah Kahan
“Stick Season”不是慢歌,整首歌有點輕快、坦然,聽起來很原始、很單純。適合在開車公路旅行,或點著營火在躺椅上看天空的時候聽。
整首歌只有人聲、吉他,其實不怎麼華麗,可能也因為這樣,聽得出對自己的誠實與直白。歌詞很可愛地淺顯易懂,沒有過多裝飾。但汲取自再真實不過的生活小事,讓每句歌詞都可以感受到背後豐富的情緒跟一段段的回憶風景。其中特別有感的一句是Noah Kahan把疫情下無法隨心所欲到處旅行的煩悶心境寫進歌詞,並調侃地說"Doc told me to travel but there's COVID on the planes."
“The beauty of autumn foliage in Vermont transforms into a brown and gray wasteland as we wait for the first snow. It is an unfortunate but necessary transition, similar in so many ways to the transition from familiar lovers into heartbroken strangers. I like to look at the song as hopeful; winter will come, the snow will fall, melt, and eventually summer will be back in all its beauty. You will suffer, move on, and survive again.”—Noah Kahan
Noah Kahan在訪談時談及正是這樣的故鄉跟季節變換的背景塑造了這樣的自己,也很驚訝有這麼多人能在聽了這首歌後產生共鳴。在有一點寂寥單調、灰濛濛的季節,體驗著類似的成長經歷,學著長大。
歌詞的最後寫道“Now you're tire tracks, and one pair of shoes, and I'm split in half, but that'll have to do.” 有些事到了某個特定的時間點會得到諒解並接受,過程可能有些笨拙,但拾回了自己的過去,才能慢慢接受這樣的自己,然後活著。
BTW,個人超愛"Orange Juice",推薦推薦。下次更新不知道什麼時候,不期不待XD
  1. Francesca Theofilou. (2022). "Noah Kahan’s Stick Season dives headfirst into who we are and where we come from". The Georgetown Voice.
  2. Larisha Paul. (2022). "Noah Kahan’s Latest Single ‘Stick Season’ Is The Song He’s Always Wanted To Write" . Udiscovermusic.
  3. Jane McKinley. (2022). " 'I'm mean because I grew up in New England’: Noah Kahan’s newest album rings with nostalgia". The Miami Student.
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