2022-12-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2023, Friday

    "How can you align with nature?" There's no need to change or shape; simply accept their inherent form as it is.

    2022, Thursday

    Rather than hesitating and looking back, it's better to set a budget for the journey, plan the itinerary, and let it unfold step by step. There are many variables, but start by addressing the aspects I can control, and it will surely come together when the time comes.
    Yes, that's right. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and with everything prepared, success will come naturally. Well, this adds some enthusiasm to life.
    The meaning of life lies in travel; it gives significance to my existence. As the saying goes, "Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles."
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