2022-12-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2023, Saturday

    "What new endeavor do you want to wholeheartedly immerse yourself in?" Every day is a new day.
    Going to Hualien for New Year's Eve ( ^▽^ )

    2022, Friday

    Thought "再說一次我願意(Say Yes Again)" was a fleeting dream, only to find the male lead lingering on his deathbed. The male protagonist finds fulfillment in his dreams, leaving the female lead to face harsh reality.
    In "パリピ孔明(派對咖孔明)", Zhuge Liang says, "Unable to even speak the words they wanted to say, dying on the battlefield like this—I've seen too many lives end this way. Direct opinions, candid feelings, must be expressed while alive".
    Unfortunately, the female lead can no longer hear them~
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