Sloterdijk Station 是我們2022年末在荷蘭第2個「家」,Citadines Sloterdijk Station Amsterdam所在區域的交通樞紐中心 ,極為繁忙的多功能車站,四通八達,提供了火車、地鐵、巴士與電車服務。我們基本上住得有些微偏離市中心,當地人稱CenTrum的阿姆斯特丹最繁華街區,但是,有如此一應俱全的大眾運輸網絡,讓我們每天數趟探索市區的旅程,變得更加便捷舒適,毫不費力。GVB卡是造訪阿姆斯特丹遊客、短期居住與經商必備。
俐落的線形設計,完美結合高彩度的藍紅黑白原色系聚焦用色&用材,加上大氣塊狀面積的鏡面窗戶與天花板規律裁切組合,讓我對Sloterdijk Station 的工業風風格,更加入迷。
I'm always fond of stations. There's a lot of magic, light of hope emitted from each station and train ride that take people away from worry or sorrow to somewhere new, better and ironically at the same time also signal ending & beginning. Plus, I love how brilliantly each station is built with the purpose to demonstrate the identity, the attractions of that specific city or town.
Sloterdijk station was where our "2nd home" in the Netherlands was located. It's a very hectic station of multifunction which provides the efficient services of railway train, bus, tram and the metro. We're basically a little away from Centrum, or say downtown Amsterdam, although the convenient transportation made the trip to explore the core of the city extremely easy and effortless.
The streamlined industrial style and high saturated color selection perfectly combined for the station only makes it more darling and charming to me. "One should always have something sensational to read in the train."~Oscar Wilde
I found myself struggling with the bizarre definition of "fun". For a very long time, I tended to associate it with overindulgence, dramatizing, only the climax or being "too cool to care about nothing". Yes fun might possibly go astray or too wild then it does harm. Though in many cases, fun is simply about relaxation, a good time and (re)connection to joy and intimacy to you & with others. FUN is supposed to make you more you and can be anything that simply makes your heart sing
Our 1st time eating whale and horse meat in Iceland came unexpectedly. And it turned out to be fun and extraordinary. The whale has that really special, delicious, and succulent taste and texture right between fish and chicken no matter if it's made into sashimi or steak styles. The horse meat on the hand didn't strike that surprising, but Three Costs restaurant @3frakkar still managed to make a mouthwatering great dish with the most amazing gravy.
We always love expanding our taste palate through new delicacies and that is so fun. Now I think the key to having fun is to embody childlike curiosity with no high expectation. That's why we adults like to be around kids, who are always passionately eager to explore the world before they get too sophisticated about life and traumatized by it too.