註記*:「你牽起我的手」出自加拿大詩人、小說家瑪格麗特·愛特伍(Margaret Atwood)的詩名 You Take My Hand。
註記**:導演李察·林克雷特(Richard Linklater)的電影《愛在黎明破曉時》,Jesse與Celine是電影中男女主角的名字。 ★讀詩時光:一起來讀瑪格麗特·愛特伍的詩吧~
You Take My Hand (from Power Politics, 1971)
You take my hand and
I'm suddenly in a bad movie,
it goes on and on and
why am I fascinated We waltz in slow motion
through an air stale with aphrodisms
we meet behind the endless ptted palms
you climb through the wrong windows Other people are leaving
but I always stay till the end
I paid my money, I
want to see what happens. In chance bathtubs I have to
peel you off me
in the form of smoke and melted
Have to face it I'm
finally an addict,
the smell of popcorn and worn plush
lingers for weeks
We are Hard (from Power Politics, 1971)
We are hard on each other
and call it honesty,
choosing our jagged truths
with care and aiming them across
the neutral table. The things we say are
true; it is our crooked
aims, our choices
turn them criminal. ii)
Of course your lies
are more amusing:
you make them new each time.
Your truths, painful and boring
repeat themselves over & over
perhaps because you own
so few of them
A truth should exist,
it should not be used
like this. If I love you
is that a fact or a weapon?
Does the body lie
moving like this, are these
touches, hairs, wet
soft marble my tongue runs over
lies you are telling me? Your body is not a word,
it does not lie or
speak truth either.
It is only
here or not here.