Unlike the
previous reports of US think tanks or high-ranking US officers’ statements and
addresses, John Kerry ’s speech in Tokyo Tech not
only lacked strict logic but also showed no relations between targets and measures. In all, it was loose and mediocre.
Kerry seemed to waste many paragraphs
describing his private connections with Japan, which was necessary for a
diplomat to show his good will, yet he confused the audiences about the real
intention of the speech.
In addition, he mentioned many Asian countries as if he was anywhere other than
in Japan. The definition of “we” was
thus confusing.
Balancing Xi Jin-ping’s China Dream, Kerry emphasized the American Dream and the Pacific Dream, which he failed to relate
to Japan.
Could it be possible that Kerry ’s
staff gave him the wrong manuscript, which was meant for Beijing? Could it be possible that Kerry had no idea of what he should say in Japan and
ended up murmuring “one thing is certain: We are united … we simply must work
Kerry ’s murmuring alarms us. It somewhat confirms the concern of Hisahiko Okazaki,
a Japanese senior diplomat, that the US might by-pass Tokyo and deal with
Beijing directly and secretly as she did in 1971. If that is true, the gift, Okazaki worries,
might be either Korea or Taiwan. Revised
at 1330
在民主先進國家日本,強調普世價值與意識型態是不當的,因為沒有必要。這也表示凱瑞根本不知道要對日本講什麼?只能說One thing is certain: We are united. We simply must work together.
1. 凱瑞的器宇有限。
2. 凱瑞(或歐巴馬)想大幅翻轉更希拉蕊的戰略規劃,但時間還不夠。