2011-01-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘



    行政院金融監理委員會說「不太可能」在「最近」開放中國個人投資者進入股市。unlikely配上anytime soon,真是官字兩個口。

    主任委員陳裕章的理由是:股市投資列屬資本門,與中央銀行有關,觀光客支出屬經常門。但他這句話是什麼意思?「中國旅客買股票不等於尋常的旅遊支出」(stock purchases by Chinese tourists could not be equated with regular spending on their trips.)中國旅客已經可以買股票了嗎?不等於尋常性經常門,就會屬於資本門了??

    只要開了戶,剩下只是電話遙控而已,這算何管制呢?主任委員怎說是unlikelyanytime soon呢?

    陳裕章又承認,中國進入台灣的股市投資者全部被歸類為「自然人」(Chinese visitors would be classified as "natural persons" under the law)類別。換言之,早已透過訓詁障眼法(法人→自然人?)開放了中國的機構投資者?而且「依據現行法令全數得以外國人身分投資本地股市」(they would be allowed to invest in the local bourse as are all foreign nationals.)。





    The three sectors, which are diplomacy, military and finance that make a nation a nation is permeated one by one in Taiwan.  To some who are in charge, the "American Footprints in Taiwan" is nothing more than a piece of sxxx?



    Questions remain over allowing individual Chinese investmentICRT2011.01.04

    The head of the Financial Supervisory Commission 行政院金融監理委員會says Taipei is unlikely to open its stock market to individual Chinese investors anytime soon.

    According to Chen Yu-chang 陳裕章.... although independent Chinese tourists will be allowed to travel to the island in the coming months, such tourists fall under the category of "current accounts"(經常帳) ... but stock market investments came under the "capital accounts" (資本帳)category.

    Chen added that local bank's capital accounts fall under the jurisdiction of specialized investment agencies and involve the central bank, stock purchases by Chinese tourists could not be equated with regular spending on their trips.

    However ... the head of the Taiwan Stock Exchange says he believes Chinese visitors would be classified as "natural persons" under the law .. meaning they would be allowed to invest in the local bourse as are all foreign nationals.


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