2012-04-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

Happy 13th Birthday to Winnie

    Happy Birthday !!!

    Sindy Yang to Winnie Lee:Happy birthday Winnie! We love you!

    Denise Yang: Though it is still not yet April 19# in USA,
    Grandmom and I want to say happy birthday to dear Winnie right now...
    We all love you !!! 

    Winnie Lee: 謝謝 ! 告訴大家我也愛他們 !
    Denise Yang: 好棒...妳真的會打中文了...(嗎?)
    Winnie Lee: 哈哈. 我是一個非常有才華的人  
    Denise Yang: 很好很好...這是youngfamily的傳統喔...也是李家的傳統吧!!!哈哈哈
    Winnie Lee: 哈哈 , 沒錯! 

    2010.04.19 18:28  Happy 11th Birthday to Winnie

    Happy Birthday !!!
    Wishing your 11th year on earth is happier
    and full of talents and solid practice with fun.

    Your dear grandmom , aunts, uncles and cousin
    Anne Chung/Denise/Jacky/Mark/Sindy/Paul/Megan

    ❤️INFJ❤️Follow Your Highest Excitement ! ❤️如果你愛這個世界,你唯一要做的就是幸福快樂!❤️全家共創,後來變成內向怪咖獨白。在網海藉著小日記,澄清思緒,一次次頓悟與福至心靈。
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