2023-05-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

就業機會在哪裡:這些行業正在招聘 - 並裁員 | CNN商業

Where the jobs are: These are the industries that are hiring -- and firing | CNN Business 就業機會在哪裡:這些行業正在招聘 - 並裁員 | CNN商業
Why are experts talking about low unemployment like it's a bad thing?! 為什麼專家們把低失業率說成是一件壞事?!
03:24 - Source: CNN Business 03:24 - 資料來源:CNN商業
New YorkCNN  —  紐約CNN —
All signs were pointing to a cooling labor market. Instead, the latest jobs report showed the unemployment rate fell to 3.4% in April after 253,000 jobs were added last month. 所有跡象都指向勞動力市場的降溫。然而,最新的就業報告顯示,上個月新增了253,000個就業崗位,4月份失業率降至3.4%。
But hiring isn’t strong across the board, and is concentrated in a handful of industries. 但是雇用情況並非全面強勁,而是集中在少數幾個行業。
“Employers continue to hire for in-demand skills while pulling back on non-essential headcount,” said Becky Frankiewicz, president and chief commercial officer at ManpowerGroup, a staffing agency. 「人力資源公司ManpowerGroup的總裁兼首席商業官Becky Frankiewicz表示,雇主繼續聘用具有需求的技能,同時減少非必要的員工數量。」
The bulk of the new jobs last month came from gains in professional and business services, health care, leisure and hospitality, specialized construction contractors and food and drinking services. 上個月新增的大部分工作來自於專業和商業服務、醫療保健、休閒和酒店業、專門建築承包商以及飲食服務業的增長。
In total these five industries hired 165,000 new workers in April. That amounts to 65% of the overall jobs added. 總共這五個行業在四月份聘請了165,000名新員工。這相當於新增就業崗位的65%。
Professional and business services, which include a wide range of jobs such as accountants, lawyers and engineers, added 43,000 jobs, the biggest gain across all industries. Average hourly earnings for workers in the industry rose by $0.24 to $40.20. That’s 20% higher than what the average private-sector worker earned last month. 專業和商業服務行業包括許多工作,如會計師、律師和工程師,新增了43,000個就業機會,是所有行業中增長最大的。該行業工人的平均每小時工資增加了0.24美元,達到40.20美元。這比上個月私營部門工人的平均收入高出20%。
Even though the jobs report showed a net positive gain, there were some sizable layoffs. 即使就業報告顯示出淨積極增長,仍有一些大規模裁員。
The largest cuts hit workers who are involved in helping other workers get hired, such as recruiters, careers coaches and human resources professionals. Across that industry, known as employment services, there were 24,000 layoffs last month. 最大的裁員打擊了那些參與協助其他工人就業的工人,例如招聘人員、職業教練和人力資源專業人員。在這個被稱為就業服務的行業中,上個月有24,000人被裁員。
“It’s the year of efficiency,” said Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter. “Companies are telling recruiters to do more with less and to cut costs after two years of spending whatever it takes to fill vacancies.” ZipRecruiter 的首席經濟學家 Julia Pollak 說:“這是效率的一年。在填補職缺方面花費了兩年後,公司告訴招聘人員要在更少的資源下做更多的事情,並削減成本。”
Some of the other notable job cuts were in transit and ground passenger services, where 8,100 workers were laid off; and building construction, where 3,600 workers were laid off. Transit and passenger service jobs include people who work within mass transit system as well as taxi and school bus drivers. 其他值得注意的裁員工作包括運輸和地面客運服務,其中有8100名工人被解雇;以及建築施工,其中有3600名工人被解雇。運輸和客運服務工作包括在大眾運輸系統內工作的人員,以及出租車和校車司機。
Commercial real estate is under a lot of stress lately. Many employees continue to work from home, leaving an abundance of office building floors vacant. Higher interest rates have also caused developers to delay new construction projects. 商業房地產最近承受了很大的壓力。許多員工繼續在家工作,導致許多辦公樓樓層空置。較高的利率也使開發商延遲了新建項目。
新聞來源: CNN (#國際新聞)
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