Matthew White: What to do when you don't feel inspired. 📝 靈感存於你的心中,問自己為何喜歡畫畫?不是「What you want to paint or How you want to paint」而是「Why you want to paint ? 」,自然產生出心流,靈感不需外求。“A day spent doing a bad painting is better than a day spent not painting at all.” - Thomas Schaller 📝 從日常瑣事移轉入繪畫心流 [三步驟] :
1. try to remove obstacles. 移除阻礙你延遲繪畫的事物,例如前一晚先準備相關工具,拿出畫架、為洗筆筒先裝水、繪畫拭色控水用紙巾,以及決定要畫什麼或選定參考圖照等可以加快進入繪畫狀態的前置作業。 2. give yourself a little bit of space between your normal life responsibilities and your creative time. 聽音樂、散步、讀書等,讓心由日常任務中靜下來以進入適合創造的心流狀態。 3. find some art to look at. 欣賞平日收藏的繪畫風格圖照,透過點滴啟發,為你區隔日常瑣事;考量日常適時休息,避免因維持紀律造成自己疲勞過度。
Watercolor Misfit: Inspiration - Where to Find It (水彩縮時攝影)