筆者因家裡訂購中華電信MOD,所以每日可看尼克兒童頻道(Nickelodeon )。每次恰巧轉到SpongeBob SquarePants《海綿寶寶》美國卡通片時,我會刻意將內容轉成英文版,練習自己美式日常英文聽力。
以下是筆者Wikipedia查到的該卡通片的簡介。SpongeBob SquarePants (commonly known simply as SpongeBob) is an American animated comedy television series created by marine science educator and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon. It chronicles the adventures of the title character and his aquatic friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. As of 2019, the series was the fifth-longest-running American animated series. Its popularity made it a media franchise, the highest rated Nickelodeon series, and the most profitable property for Paramount Consumer Products. By 2019, it had generated over $13 billion in merchandising revenue.
圖片出處:Bing Creative Commons
① sponge n.(擦洗物品用的)海綿;(用海綿或布)擦拭,擦洗
② square adj.正方形的,四方形的 n.正方形(物);(美國紐約時代)廣場
③ pants n.內褲;長褲
④ animated adj.卡通(片)的
animator n.卡通片繪製者;動畫片製作者
⑤ comedy n.喜劇作品
⑥ series n.(電視)系列節目
⑦ marine adj. 海洋的
⑧ chroniclev.記錄;記述
⑨ adventuren.冒險活動(或經歷)
⑩ title character 片名主角
⑪ aquatic adj.水生的;水棲的;水中(進行)的
⑫ fictional adj.虛構的;小說的
⑬ Bikini Bottom 比奇堡
⑭ as of 截至…為止
(15) franchise n.(製造廠商授予聯營店者的)經銷權(或公司名稱使用權等)
(16) profitable adj.獲利的; 贏利的
(17) property n.財產,資產;所有物
(18) Paramount 派拉蒙(影業公司),美國加州好萊塢的電影製片廠
paramount adj.至高無上的;最重要的;主要的 n. 最高統治者
(19) merchandise v.買賣,經營;促進……的銷售,推銷 n.商品,貨物
(20) revenue n.(企業)營業額,收益
當TOEIC考生閱讀SpongeBob SquarePants《海綿寶寶》簡介中英文版後,可以做下面筆者設計的詞彙考題,練習將習得生字於多益(TOEIC)證照考試解題技巧中。
1.The bubble-tea chain has expanded its _______ to the Great Britain and France.
(A) marine (B) sponge (C) franchise (D) profit
2.The company plans to __________ their new line of smart phones through various social media and retail stores.
(A) square (B) fictional (C) character (D) merchandise
3.In emergency situations, the safety of the passengers is _________ for the MRT crew.
(A) profitable (B) paramount (C) animated (D) fictional
4.Oppenheimer aims to ______ the life and experiences of an American theoretical physicist and director of the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos Laboratory, Julius Robert Oppenheimer
(A) marine (B) animate (C) merchandise (D) chronicle
5.The conglomerate's marketing strategies resulted in a significant increase in _____ for the fiscal year.
(A) revenue (B) pants (C) sponge (D) as of
6.The _________ tycoon is well-known for his eccentric remarks and behavior.
(A) square (B) property (C) title (D) series
7.Sherlock Holmes consist of a captivating ______ of detective stories that chronicle the adventures of the protagonist.
(A) series (B) animator (C) pants (D) character
標準答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A6.B 7.A