更新於 2024/09/01閱讀時間約 20 分鐘

The Mice and the Cat 老鼠和貓

    5 Characters:

    • Narrator
    • Big Cat
    • Mice (Various)
    • Young Mouse
    • Wise Mouse


    Narrator: Long ago, in a house, there lived a big cat. The cat was skilled at catching mice who tried to steal food.

    Big Cat: (Slyly) Mice, beware! I'll catch you if you come near my food.

    Narrator: The mice decided to hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with their common enemy, the cat.

    Mice: (Whispering) We need to find a way to outsmart the cat.

    Narrator: Some mice suggested one thing, while others had different ideas.

    Mouse 1: We should hide better so the cat can't find us.

    Mouse 2: Let's distract the cat with noise and escape.

    Narrator: After much discussion, a young mouse stood up with confidence.

    Young Mouse: I have an idea! We can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat comes close, we'll hear the bell and escape before it catches us.

    Mice: (Excited) That's a clever plan!

    Narrator: The mice were all in agreement, thinking the idea was perfect. But then, an old and wise mouse stood up.

    Wise Mouse: Hold on, everyone. While the plan is good, we must think about a crucial detail.

    Mice: (Curious) What is it?

    Wise Mouse: (Calmly) Who will be brave enough to tie the bell around the cat's neck?

    Narrator: The mice exchanged glances, realizing the challenge posed by the wise mouse's question.

    Mice: (Murmuring) Who indeed...

    Narrator: No one had an answer. The room fell silent.

    Narrator: And so, the mice learned an important lesson that day. While having a plan is important, carrying it out requires courage and practicality.

    Narrator: The end.



    • 旁白

    • 貓

    • 老鼠們(多位)

    • 小老鼠

    • 智慧老鼠






















    Common (常見):

    Definition: "Common" refers to something that is widely seen, used, or known; occurring frequently or generally. 廣泛出現、使用或被知曉的事物;經常或普遍發生的。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Frequent (adj.) - Happening often or regularly. 頻繁 - 經常或規律地發生。
    2. Usual (adj.) - Something that is commonly done, seen, or experienced. 通常 - 經常做的、見到的或經歷的事物。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Common practice - A widely accepted or customary action. 常見做法 - 廣泛接受或習慣性的行動。
    2. Common misconception - A frequently held incorrect belief. 常見誤解 - 經常持有的錯誤觀念。

    Example Sentence (例句): The use of smartphones has become a common phenomenon in today's society. 如今在社會中使用智能手機已成為一個常見現象。

    Enemy (敵人):

    Definition: An "enemy" refers to a person, group, or thing that is actively opposed or hostile towards another person, group, or thing. It implies a state of conflict or antagonism. 敵人是指一個人、團體或事物對另一個人、團體或事物持有積極的反對或敵對態度。它暗示了一種衝突或對抗的狀態。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Foe (noun) - A more literary synonym for "enemy." 敵人(foe) - "enemy" 的文學用語。
    2. Adversary (noun) - Someone who opposes or contests another; an opponent. 對手、敵手(adversary) - 反對或競爭他人的人;對手。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Bitter enemy - A strong and deep-seated enemy. 死敵 - 強烈而根深蒂固的敵人。
    2. Archenemy - A chief or principal enemy. 宿敵、大敵 - 主要或首要的敵人。

    Example Sentence (例句): His childhood friend turned into his bitter enemy after a disagreement. 在爭執後,他的童年朋友變成了他的死敵。

    Outsmart (以智取勝):

    Definition: "To outsmart" means to defeat or surpass someone's intelligence, often by using clever strategies or tactics. 以智取勝意味著通過巧妙的策略或戰術擊敗或超越某人的智慧。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Outsmart the competition - To gain an advantage over rivals through clever strategies. 以智勝過競爭對手 - 通過巧妙的策略對競爭對手取得優勢。
    2. Outsmart oneself - To attempt to be too clever and end up making a mistake. 過於聰明而自損, 聰明反被聰明誤- 嘗試過於聰明,最終犯了一個錯誤。

    Example Sentence (例句): She managed to outsmart her opponent by anticipating their moves. 她通過預測對方的動作成功地以智取勝。

    Distract (分散注意力):

    Definition: "Distract" means to divert someone's attention away from something by causing them to focus on something else. 分散注意力(distract)意味著通過讓某人專注於其他事物,使他們的注意力從某事上轉移開。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Divert (verb) - To turn something aside or redirect its course. 轉移、使偏離(divert) - 將某事物轉離或重新引導其路徑。
    2. Sidetrack (verb) - To lead away from the main topic or focus. 使偏離主題(sidetrack) - 將注意力從主題或焦點轉移開。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Distract someone's attention - To cause someone to stop paying attention to something. 分散某人的注意力 - 使某人停止關注某事物。
    2. Easily distracted - Prone to losing focus or attention easily. 容易分心 - 容易失去專注或注意力。

    Example Sentence (例句): The noisy environment distracted her from her studies. 嘈雜的環境使她無法專心學習。


    Definition: A "discussion" is a conversation or interaction between people where they exchange ideas, opinions, and information on a particular topic or subject.


    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Conversation (noun) - A verbal exchange of thoughts, ideas, and information. 對話(conversation) - 思想、觀點和信息的口頭交流。
    2. Dialogue (noun) - An exchange of opinions and ideas between two or more individuals. 對話(dialogue) - 兩個或多個個體之間的意見和觀點交流。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Engage in a discussion - To participate in a conversation about a particular topic. 參與討論 - 參與有關特定主題的對話。
    2. Open discussion - A conversation where participants freely express their opinions. 開放討論 - 參與者可以自由表達意見的對話。

    Example Sentence (例句): During the class discussion, students shared their thoughts on the novel's themes and characters. 在課堂討論中,學生們分享了對小說的主題和角色的看法。

    Confidence (信心):

    Definition: "Confidence" is the feeling of self-assurance and belief in one's abilities or qualities. 信心是一種對自己能力或品質的自我肯定和相信感。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Self-assurance (noun) - Confidence in oneself and one's abilities. 自信(self-assurance) - 對自己和自己的能力的信心。
    2. Assurance (noun) - Confidence and certainty in one's actions or beliefs. 確信(assurance) - 對自己的行動或信念的信心和確定。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Boost confidence - To increase or enhance one's self-assurance. 增強信心 - 增加或加強自信心。
    2. Lack of confidence - Not having belief in one's own abilities. 缺乏信心 - 不相信自己的能力。

    Example Sentence (例句): Her achievements gave her the confidence to pursue her dreams. 她的成就使她有信心追求自己的夢想。

    Crucial (關鍵):

    Definition: "Crucial" describes something that is extremely important or essential for the success or outcome of a situation. 關鍵(crucial)用來描述某事物對於情況的成功或結果極為重要或必不可少。

    Related Words (相關詞語):

    1. Critical (adj.) - Extremely important or decisive. 關鍵的(critical) - 極為重要或決定性的。
    2. Essential (adj.) - Absolutely necessary; indispensable. 必要的(essential) - 絕對必要的;不可或缺的。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Crucial role - An extremely important function or position. 關鍵角色 - 極其重要的功能或位置。
    2. Crucial decision - A decision that significantly impacts the outcome. 關鍵決定 - 對結果有重大影響的決定。

    Example Sentence (例句): Effective communication is crucial for a successful team collaboration. 對於團隊合作來說,有效的溝通是至關重要的。

    Exchange (交換):

    Definition: "Exchange" refers to the act of giving something and receiving something else in return, typically of similar value. 交換(exchange)指的是給予某事物並得到其他事物作為回報的行為,通常是具有相似價值的。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Cultural exchange - The sharing of cultural elements between different groups. 文化交流 - 不同群體之間文化元素的分享。
    2. Exchange ideas - To share thoughts and concepts with others. 交換想法 - 與他人分享思想和概念。

    Example Sentence (例句): They decided to exchange gifts as a symbol of their friendship. 他們決定交換禮物,作為友誼的象徵。

    Glance (一瞥):

    Definition: "Glance" refers to a quick and brief look at something or someone. 一瞥(glance)是指對某事物或某人的快速而簡短的觀察。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Take a glance - To quickly look at something. 瞥一眼 - 快速地看一下某事物。
    2. Casual glance - A brief and informal look. 隨意瞥視 - 簡短而非正式的觀察。

    Example Sentence (例句): She caught a glance of the stunning sunset as she walked by the window. 當她走過窗戶時,她瞥見了美麗的夕陽。

    Practicality (實用性):

    Definition: "Practicality" refers to the quality of being useful, efficient, and suitable for real-world situations. 實用性(practicality)指的是具有實用性、高效性並適用於實際情況的品質。

    Collocations (搭配詞):

    1. Consider the practicality - To think about how useful or feasible something is. 考慮實用性 - 考慮某事物的實用性或可行性。
    2. Practicality over aesthetics - Prioritizing usefulness over appearance. 實用性勝於美觀 - 將實用性置於外觀之上。

    Example Sentence (例句): When choosing a car, he valued practicality more than luxury. 選擇汽車時,他更看重實用性而不是奢華。


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