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高階訪談小技巧Tips for Executive Interviews(CH/EN)



1. 高階主管訪談應注意事項

2. 高階主管訪談心態設定

企業導入ESG、永續、綠色供應鏈…等相關專案,可能會遭遇到的第一個挑戰 — 高階訪談,難以制定一個清晰的ESG發展藍圖與目標



但困難的是,高階訪談好像都不是這麼順利吧! 🤣

最近比較常聽到「#以終為始 」,因為這個觀念在成功大師史蒂芬‧柯維(Stephen Covey)在「與成功有約:高效能人士的七個習慣」中提出。

1. 訪談者盡量是與經營者較熟悉的高階同仁,能較容易獲得真實且有細節的圖像
2. 取得經營者同意下,錄音做為紀錄佐證。人的記憶力其實並不可靠,當訪談後對同一件事同仁紀錄上有不同理解意思時,透過錄音紀錄核對前因後果,釐清會較精確
3. 訪談過程中,要階段性的核對釐清經營者的真實想法。使用的技巧比較像是:「總經理,剛剛你提到A也提到B,若公司做到了A和B,就是如你所說的,達到XXXX目標嗎?」;
4. 訪談過程中,盡量以圖像與數據共同呈現的方式,趁機提取出執行方案的KPI
5. 訪談過程中,經營者若有不錯的觀點與做法,也要不吝的給予經營者讚美,很多時候大家會直覺的視經營者為強者,而忽略了他們也有火熱的心啊~ 😆
6. 訪談當下結束後,可能只有文字,但也要打開會議紀錄內容,先與經營者核對,是否有理解錯誤的地方
7. 訪談結束後,務必將訪談內容,以圖像、流程(圖示)方式以最快速度畫出,再次與經營者核對,細節可以在文件化圖像經營者確認後盡快補上。(因此,現在也興起這項很夯的新工作” 視覺圖像紀錄師”)
8. 後續執行過程中,若遇到經營者調整方向與內容,千萬不要覺得內心無奈,或是一時之間忍不住小情緒向經營者抱怨:「你上次不是這樣說的,我還有會議記錄呢!!!」

希望這些小技巧,可以幫助正在執行專案的夥伴們~ 🤗

Tips for Executive Interviews(EN)

What will you learn from this article?

1. Considerations for Executive Interviews

2. Mindset for Executive Interviews

When implementing projects related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), sustainability, green supply chains, and other relevant initiatives within a company, the first challenge that may be encountered is conducting executive interviews, which can make it difficult to establish a clear ESG development blueprint and objectives.

In all large-scale project implementations, it is necessary to conduct executive interviews at the outset. This is because clarifying and aligning the vision, mission, and development blueprint in the minds of the leaders will ensure that the project implementation aligns better with the culture of the organization as shaped by these leaders, thereby increasing the success rate of the project implementation.

Therefore, in the implementation of ESG, sustainability, green supply chain, and other related projects within a company, the first crucial step is also to conduct executive interviews. The aim is to gain insights into the executives’ vision and goals for ESG development and to formalize them (which should, of course, be presented in reports and public information — it is essential to define them).

However, the challenge lies in the fact that executive interviews often do not proceed as smoothly as one would hope!

A more common approach, to avoid wasting the valuable time of executives, is to prepare interview outline in advance for them to review (or open it during the interview) to give them a “feel” for the topic before conducting the interview.

However, content generated in this manner often runs risk of experiencing goal drift or becoming vague during the interview.

Therefore, in addition to the aforementioned methods, it is recommended that the interview process can be combined with the use of the “#BeginWithTheEndInMind” method during the interview with executives. However, it is important to note that this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare any materials at all. Not preparing anything might make the executives feel uncomfortable, and project managers could also be perceived as not doing their job.

The concept of “#BeginWithTheEndInMind” has become quite prevalent recently, largely because of Stephen Covey, a renowned guru, who introduced this concept in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” In simple terms, it means that if you can understand the ultimate vision or image that executives have in mind, you can then plan the path to reach that vision. To go further, it involves encouraging executives to “dream” about their desired outcome or destination before setting out on the journey.

Hence, it is recommended to use the following tips to make executives interviews more effective:

1. Choose interviewers who are familiar with the executives, as they are more likely to obtain a detailed and genuine picture.

2. With the consent of the executives, record the interviews for documentation purposes. Human memory can be unreliable, and discrepancies in colleagues’ interpretations of the same information can arise. Having a recorded record allows for clearer verification of cause and effect.

3. During the interview, periodically cross-check and clarify the executives’ real thoughts and intensions. A technique can be used is like: “CEO, you mentioned both A and B earlier. If the company achieves A and B, would it indeed meet the XXX objective, as you mentioned?”

The reason for employing these techniques is primarily due to the fact that most people rely on intuitive thinking (System 1 thinking) as their default mode of thought. When they are asked to revisit and cross-check their statements, executives may switch to rational thinking (System 2 thinking). By using these techniques, you can periodically validate whether the path (method) toward the goal has deviated, ensuring alignment and minimizing potential drift in the project’s objectives.

4. During the interview, strive to present information in a visual and data-driven manner to extract the KPIs for the execution plan.

5. If the executive offers valuable insights and practices during the interview, don’t hesitate to give them praise. It’s important to recognize that executives, despite their position, also have valuable contributions and passion.

6. After concluding the interview, even if you only have text-based records, review the content with the executive to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

7. After the interview, create visual representations and flowcharts of the discussed content as quickly as possible and verify them with the executive. Any missing details can be added after the executive confirms. (This has given rise to the trendy role “Graphic Recorder” in some cases.)

8. During the subsequent execution phase, if the executive adjusts the direction and content, it’s crucial not to express frustration or complain to them. Most of time, executive adjustments are driven by new information (information mismatch) and represent a positive development. Understanding their perspective and adapting accordingly is essential for project success.

Hopefully these tips can be of assistance to those who are currently working on projects. Good luck!

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