2023-10-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 13 分鐘

薩迦察派法王第二十五任 究給企千法座持有者──賜予尊貴 確吉蔣稱金剛上師法位認證|龍德上師殊勝傳承

薩迦察派法王第二十五任 究給企千法座持有者──賜予尊貴 確吉蔣稱金剛上師法位認證|龍德上師殊勝傳承
The 25th lineage holder Chogye Trichen Rinpoche of the Tsharpa branch of the Sakya school granted The Holy Guru Chokyi Gyetshen the certification of ‘Vajra Guru’. The precious lineage.

薩迦察派法王──究給企千仁波切。出生於神聖戒氏家族,據說此法脈從光音天相傳至今。歷任的「究給企千」都曾接受中國皇帝的供養,其中最為特殊的是一頂法帽,經常在法王照片中可見的(為珍貴法帽的複製品),並賜名為「南贍唯一莊嚴」。(尊貴 確吉蔣稱金剛上師在西元二○一七年,為法王所造之銅像,即是戴此法帽之示現。)
His Holiness Chogye Trichen Rinpoche of the Tsharpa branch of the Sakya school. His family belonged to the sacred Che family. The lineage is said to have descended from the Clear Light Gods.

The Chogye Trichens received many offerings from the Chinese emperors. One unique offering was the ceremonial hat, a copy of which Chogye Rinpoche is often seen wearing in photos. The famous hat was named “only ornament of the world” by the emperor. The bronze statue of Chogye Rinpoche which was molded by the Holy Guru Chokyi Gyetshen in 2017 is wearing the ceremonial hat.

法王曾擔任十四世 達賴喇嘛、第四十一任 薩迦法王的親教師,寧瑪、噶舉、格魯四大教派法座的掌持者、許多喇嘛,接受過法王殊勝法脈傳承者不計其數。
The Fourteenth Dalai Lama and Sakya Trizin the Forty-first, takes Chogye Trichen Rinpoche as the tutors, as well as the head of Nyingma, Kagyu, Gelug, and many other lamas had received the superior Dharma from Chogye Trichen Rinpoche.

Chogye Rinpoche was invited to various countries, such as France, the United States, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan and etc., for the propagation of Buddha Dharma. All the fortunate disciples have received and highly admired Chogye Rinpoche’s holiness.

In 2007, His Eminence told His disciples, “My mission in this life has been fulfilled.” Sitting in the solemn posture of meditation, His Eminence stayed on thukdam for 16 days, setting a record for the longest meditation period after Parinirvana.

Flat areas in Kathmandu, Nepal, had never snowed in the past sixty-two years, but snowflakes in the shape of flowers fell from the sky. And two round rainbows appeared around the sun in the sky many times.
In the Sutras, these auspicious signs symbolism the fully accomplished.

更令人感到震撼的是,荼毗後開塔得法王的眼睛、舌、心臟之舍利完整保存,代表身、語、意永恆的成就;另取出多色之舍利子,例如:藍黑色的舍利子,應是法王常年修持 喜金剛、大黑天本尊的殊勝成就顯現。
To our shock, after the cremation, Chogye Rinpoche’s eyes, tongue, and heart were undamaged, which represents His eternity in the body, speech, and mind. In addition, there were a lot of colorful relics, especially the blue and black ones, which assuredly be the result of practicing Hevajra and Mahakala during his life.

如此偉大殊勝的證悟成就者,薩迦察派法王──第二十五任 究給企千法座持有者,在二○○五年,感於尊貴 龍德上師在臺灣數十年實修三乘教法,弘傳正信佛法,宿世因緣深厚及諸多吉祥緣起微兆現前,依怙主 究給企千法王再三禪定、三呼其名,決定賜予尊貴 龍德上師法位認證,並授予法號「確吉蔣稱(藏語拼音:Chokyi Gyetshen)」,其義為:佛法幢。
The 25th lineage holder Chogye Trichen Rinpoche of the Tsharpa branch of the Sakya school, in 2005, was touched by Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche, who flawlessly upheld all three sets of vows of the three Buddhist vehicles, and dedicated himself to the propagation of the Buddha Dharma in Taiwan. According to the deep karma connection, Chogye Rinpoche meditated and called Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche’s name three times. Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche was certificated by Chogye Rinpoche as ‘Vajra Guru’ and conferred on him the title of “Chokyi Gyetshen,” which meant “Dharma Dhvaja.”

殊勝吉祥薩迦大悲法藏精舍 大德 ○○○,於臺灣地區,弘傳佛陀正法,廣利群生,隨喜欣聞,今授予金剛上師之認證,法號:確吉蔣稱(Chokyi Gyetshen)。意即:佛法幢。俾令弘揚佛法,振興薩迦法脈之弘護,並給予祝福。
究給企千 二○○五年六月十四日吉祥日

Letter of certification:
Venerable○○○ of the extraordinary and auspicious Sakya Da Bei Fazang Buddhist Center has been propagating the Buddhism Dharma in Taiwan to greatly benefit all sentient beings. Being rejoiced to hear of this, I hereby confer upon him the title of qualified Vajrayana Guru, with the Dharma name of Chokyi Gyetshen (meaning "Dhvaja"), for the purpose of propagating the Dharma, revitalizing the Sakya lineage, and giving him blessings.
Chogye Trichen Auspicious Day, June 14, 2005

尊貴 龍德上師成為佛教史上首位榮獲北京雍和宮第一大活佛格西──嘉木揚‧圖布丹大師和薩迦察派法座持有者──究給企千法王的雙重認證,也是至今唯一的一位受到藏傳佛教格魯派、薩迦派法王雙重認證之漢族仁波切。
Venerable Guru Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche is the first person in the history of Buddhism to receive the dual certification that is granted by the greatest living Buddha, Geshe Jiamuyang Tubudan from the Yonghe Palace in Beijing, and Venerable Chogye Trichen Rinpoche as well. And also the only Han Nationality Rinpoche that is granted by Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism and His Holiness the Sakya Trizin.

尊貴 龍德上師從 究給企千法王座下獲得法位認證後,不敢有負法王囑託,專心致志於藏傳佛教在臺灣之落地生根、本土化,殫精竭慮十數年如一日。
After receiving the Dharma position recognized by His Holiness Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, Venerable Guru Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche has lived up to the entrustment of His Holiness by having dedicated himself to the localization and the in-depth cultivation of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan for more than decades.

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