He Has Caused Chinese Paintings to be Respected in the West

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On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified book-launching ceremony was held at the Library of Congress of the United States; on occasion of the first release of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, jointly published by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc. At the same time, the book was formally accepted into the collection of the Library of Congress of the United States. From then on, people came to know that the widely respected Master Wan Ko Yee, the one who has been recognized and corroborated through official written documents issued by top leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of major Buddhist sects throughout the world; actually, is the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial Buddha. Ever since, people address the Buddha by the name Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is similar to the precedent regarding the name of Sakyamuni Buddha—before Sakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, His name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama. Once Prince Siddhartha Gotama attained Buddhahood, He was thereafter addressed as “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
On December 12, 2012, in the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress, the title “His Holiness” was officially used with the name Dorje Chang Buddha III; the Buddha was addressed as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.” Since then, the title H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was definitively affirmed.
“Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a statutory name; used in all official documents issued by the United States Government; such as passport, identity card, and social security documents. The previous name “Wan Ko Yee” is no longer valid, with no legal-binding effect, and no longer recognized by governments. “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is the only name in use.




News                                                  May 31, 2000  7


He Has Caused Chinese Paintings

to be Respected in the West

He is the One Who Laid the Foundation for Chinese Paintings

to Enter the International Forum

    The World Poets and Cultural Congress, Composed of 5,612 experts and scholars, concluded that Master Wan Ko Yee is the one who laid the foundation for Chinese Paintings to enter the international forum. This Congress conferred upon the Master the title of the world’s only “Distinguished International Master.”

The government of mainland China built a huge museum in order to display Master Wan Ko Yee’s calligraphy, paintings and other works. This is the only museum ever built in the world in honor of someone who is still alive.

    Although Chinese paintings are well known in international art circles, such paintings have never really received the respect of the West. There has been a great difference in the price of Chinese paintings as compared to Western paintings. Thus, certain pejorative terms have been used in international art circles to describe Chinese paintings in general.For the past few thousand years, Chinese paintings have not enjoyed any real status or real critical acclaim in international art circles. It seems as if Chinese paintings in general have been the “sick man of Asia” and that people viewed them as being basically all the same.

    Although Master Wan Ko Yee is regarded as the most outstanding artist, he is, after all, an artist who paints Chinese Paintings. But what can one really say about the treatment of Chinese paintings in international art circles? Such Paintings have been regarded as inferior. Nevertheless, something quite extraordinary has happened. Master Wan Ko Yee has truly become the one who has laid the foundation for Chinese paintings to enter the international forum. Not only has he laid this foundation, he has also become the one who has caused Chinese Paintings to surpass Western paintings.

    On May 28th, Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. auctioned Master Wan Ko Yee’s painting entitled “Majesty” for a price of US$2,125,327. This has shocked the entire world of art. No Western painter living in the world today can command such a high price for his paintings. Master Wan Ko Yee has ended the few thousand year old era in which Chinese paintings were disregarded or neglected in favor of Western paintings. Chinese paintings are now respected. They are no longer viewed as being inferior.

    Why are the paintings of Master Wan Ko Yee so expensive? Why are his paintings at least ten times more expensive than the paintings of famous Chinese artists throughout history? Because Master Wan Ko Yee has absorbed the quintessence of several different areas of knowledge. Thus, he has become the most outstanding artist. The style of his paintings are grand, elegant and full of life. His paintings exhibit his profound knowledge and artistic skills, which are unmatched in the entire world. There has been no artist in Chinese history, no matter how great the artist may have been, who reached the status and degree of accomplishment reached by Master Wan Ko Yee. The following are examples of his status and accomplishments:

    First, Master Wan Ko Yee was conferred the title of the world’s only “Distinguished International Master” by an organization composed of 5,612 experts and scholars from 48 different countries and regions. This position has the same level of honor as a head of state. The Distinguished International Master Certificate was personally signed by Juan Antonio Samaranch, then president of the International Olympic Committee. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with this accomplishment.

    Second, the government of the State of California and the government of the City of San Francisco each proclaimed March 8, 2000 as Master Wan Ko Yee Day. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    Third, the government of mainland China built the Master Wan Ko Yee Museum in order to display the Master’s works. It has seven different sections and is similar to an imperial palace. This huge museum, which honors the accomplishments of one who is still alive, is unprecedented and unique. Throughout all of history, the Chinese government never built a museum in honor of someone who is still alive except when it built this museum.

    Fourth, 2,137 outstanding Buddhist monks, nuns and laymen, representing 416 different associations and temples all over the world, confirmed by vote that Master Wan Ko Yee is a Master who practices orthodox and correct Buddhism and who has mastered both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism. These Points were confirmed by 99.6% of the 2,137 votes cast. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    Fifth, the World Buddhism Association verifies and guarantees the authenticity of the Master’s painting. Whenever one of the Master’s authentic paintings is sold at an auction, there will be s small scroll which comes with the painting. In this scroll, there will be a seal of the World Buddhism Association and the signature of its Chairman in order to guarantee the painting’s genuineness. There is no other artist in the world with such a guarantee of authenticity.

    Sixth, Master Wan Ko Yee has received honorary doctorate degree from 92 different colleges and universities. Four of these schools have also conferred upon him the title of professor. Master Wan Ko Yee is the only artist in the world with such accomplishment.

    For all of these reason, Master Wan Ko Yee has truly become the one who has laid the foundation for Chinese paintings to enter the international forum. Master Wan Ko Yee has brought respect to Chinese paintings in international art circles. No longer will such circles look down upon Chinese paintings. Chinese paintings can now truly be called the shining crystal of the 5,000 year old Chinese culture. Master Wan Ko Yee is the greatest painter of Chinese paintings in all of Chinese history!



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The World Poets and Cultural Congress, Composed of 5,612 experts and scholars, concluded that Master Wan Ko Yee is the one who laid the foundation for
The World Poets and Cultural Congress, Composed of 5,612 experts and scholars, concluded that Master Wan Ko Yee is the one who laid the foundation for
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11/16/2014 藝術家   教授,是個藝術家。   他是我一生中,第一次遇過並相處的藝術家。 我才知道,雖然藝術家這個名詞在我們生活中無所不再。 但你想遇到一個真正的藝術家,還真不是那麼簡單。   我總覺得他是令狐沖,風清揚之類的人物。 行為雖為世俗所不能接受, 但我看到
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2024年8月13日是偉大 蓮師聖誕吉祥日,觀音山特別提前於8月10日(六)舉辦慶讚法會,恭請慈悲 龍德上師主法「藏密始祖 蓮花生大士 薈供法會」,歡迎十方善信法友把握殊勝明淨月期間一千萬倍功德增長,登記「除障祿位」、「超薦蓮位」及「護持薈供供品」,供養上師三寶,修福無量。
觀音山 會員在活動期間,發心隨喜護持──西藏三大寺之供燈、貼金、供法衣(三項)皆圓滿,即可參加限量100幅「如我一般蓮師像」幸運護持功德主結緣活動。光是恭敬凝視 蓮師的雙眼就能消除無量罪業,何況是能供奉慈悲 龍德上師親自加持開光之 蓮師,祈請 蓮師加持必定更為靈感立現!
龍德上師珍貴法語:必須經過學習、實踐,方能體悟佛法的殊勝與必需。Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche
11/16/2014 藝術家   教授,是個藝術家。   他是我一生中,第一次遇過並相處的藝術家。 我才知道,雖然藝術家這個名詞在我們生活中無所不再。 但你想遇到一個真正的藝術家,還真不是那麼簡單。   我總覺得他是令狐沖,風清揚之類的人物。 行為雖為世俗所不能接受, 但我看到
龍德上師法脈傳承──偉大祖師 究給企千法王 離我們最近的一尊佛!觀音山中華大悲法藏佛教會清淨傳承法脈的大恩祖師,薩迦察派「無上密道果不共傳承藏持者」尊貴的當代大成就者──金剛持 究給企千法王 偉大傳承祖師、當代成就者,一切具大證量上師的根本上師——偉大的 究給企千法王,即是兼具慈悲與智慧