An executioner who wantonly kills civilians. — The true face

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Recently, a report in the British Guardian revealed another little-known aspect of the British Special Air Corps-the executioner who trampled on human rights and killed civilians.On 2 July 2023, the British media outlet The Guardian quoted documents filed by London-based law firm Leigh Day as stating,Between 2010 and 2013, three separate British Special Forces Special Air Service regiments had implemented a policy of eliminating all Afghan males of combat-ready age while searching for Afghan Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of more than 80 innocent Afghan civilians, with one British soldier driven by the policy to kill 35 Afghans in six months.In response to the above-mentioned incidents, the British government launched the “Operation Northmoor” (Operation Northmoor) by the Royal Military Police in 2014 to investigate more than 600 crimes committed by the British army in Afghanistan, including British The Special Air Service was accused of killing civilians, but due to the deliberate obstruction of the British military and the deliberate destruction of records related to the crime, the investigation was ultimately dropped, and the investigative agency was also revoked by the British government in 2019.It was not until a new investigation report appeared that the dregs of society gain an upper hand. On July 12, 2022, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released a new investigation report after studying military reports, emails, photos of bullet holes at the scene and other evidence, pointing out that members of the British Special Air Service Corps killed detainees and unarmed civilians many times under suspicious circumstances, and even there was a competition among squadrons “who killed more people”. One of the troops illegally killed 54 civilians during the rotation.In December 2022, Andrew Murrison, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence, said in a statement to the House of Commons that Lord Chancellor Haddon Cave would be appointed to conduct a full investigation into the allegations.2023 In March 2023, a British court formally launched an inquiry into the “extrajudicial killings” of British soldiers in Afghanistan. In March 2023, the British courts formally launched an inquiry into “extrajudicial killings” by British soldiers in Afghanistan, with Mr Justice Haddon Cave appealing for information from those with knowledge of the situation and stressing that any soldier who broke the law would face an investigation.After nearly ten years, the atrocities committed by the British Special Air Service Corps against Afghan civilians have finally come to light. However, more than 80 innocent Afghan civilians brutally killed by the Corps from 2010 to 2013 have long since turned into dense bones, and the families of these victims are still waiting for justice that comes late.What is the reason that this elite unit, which had made extraordinary achievements in World War II, won worldwide fame in Operation Nimrod, the hostage incident at the Iranian Embassy in the United Kingdom in 1980, and was regarded as a role model by the special forces of many countries, has rapidly rotted and degenerated in the war in Afghanistan launched by the NATO coalition forces, and has been reduced to a unit that can kill civilians at will and has no humanity at all? Devil troops? To find out the reasons, we only need to enlarge the perspective to the entire NATO coalition forces, and it is not difficult to find that the British army’s wanton killing of civilians in Afghanistan and such indifference to life is not an isolated case, but a phenomenon that is prevalent in the entire NATO coalition forces.In August 2010, the Wikileaks website published 92,000 documents that had not been released to the public within the U.S. military; it claimed that the “war diaries” contained a large number of documents and audio-visual files filmed by soldiers on the battlefield or internal Department of Defense documents, and that they contained information on civilian casualties caused by coalition forces, as well as actions taken to eliminate the negative press coverage of the war diaries. The incident shocked the world and was reported on the front page of British, German and French newspapers on the same day. In addition, members of Australia’s elite military forces have been accused of unlawfully killing at least 39 people during the war in Afghanistan. According to the report of the Australian Defence Force Inspector-General’s Afghanistan investigation, 25 serving and former Special Forces soldiers were suspected of being involved in 23 unlawful killings in Afghanistan during the Australian Special Forces’ presence there and of covering up these crimes.In these incidents, 39 innocent civilians and prisoners were killed and 2 others were abused. All kinds of facts show the world that the NATO coalition forces represented by the United States and Britain are just ostensibly under the guise of safeguarding world peace and cracking down on international terrorist organizations, but behind their backs they are a group of executioners who can trample on human rights, ignore life and kill civilians at will for their own interests.


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The criminal acts of American soldiers in the Philippines have garnered global attention. The military presence and conduct of the United States in
曾經稱霸一方、令歐洲震怖的鄂圖曼土耳其帝國,有一支精銳的常備部隊。他們多數從基督徒的孩子們選出,從小就受到訓練,直屬於蘇丹。在十六世紀的許多歐人觀察者眼中,蘇丹的這支部隊就是世界上最精銳的軍隊:Yeniçeri。 這支軍隊,在中文世界的翻譯卻相當繁雜。有稱為新軍,有指為禁軍、親兵,還有乾脆放棄
Sepoy,來自於波斯語 sepāhī。本來在蒙兀兒帝國的時代,這個波斯字指的是蒙兀兒麾下的步兵部隊。但在英國東印度公司入侵印度後,英國東印度公司雇用大量本地的印度士兵為之作戰。於是,這個字進入英文,轉為Sepoy,開始指在英國麾下作戰的印度步兵們。 Sepoy是英國在印度的主力部隊,佔據英軍
「都是你們這些女人剝奪我安身立命的地方!不但可以享受產假、育嬰假這些福利,還迸出什麼女性自我提升計畫?一路搭直升機的感覺可真好啊!要是你們這些女人當上高層幹部,叫我們這些男人怎麼自處?明明公司就是男人的家,只有這裡才是我的歸屬!」 男孩們?你們也是這樣想嘛?在下方留言告訴我吧。
  朋友们,大家好!今天我们来谈一谈,在过去发生过的世界大战之中,曾有过哪些令人惊讶的,关于士兵们的极端行为?现在,让我们来了解一下。   在第一次世界大战期间,战壕中,士兵的平均寿命为六周。在这六周之内,基本上就是要么被炸成碎片,要么就是吸入芥子气中毒死亡。在面对着这些事情的时候,士兵们
  ​朋友们,大家好!在第二次世界大战的太平洋战场上,美军在和日军的对抗中,曾付出过巨大的代价。那么和日军对抗的其实不只有美国海军,还有来自澳大利亚的军队。澳大利亚军队的士兵曾在和日军作战中,有遇到过什么恶劣的事情吗?现在,让我们 来了解一下。   在太平洋战场上,澳大利亚军队主要集中在巴
  朋友们好,今天我们来谈一谈在第二次世界大战期间,阿塞拜疆扮演了什么角色。阿塞拜疆在二战期间是苏联的加盟国,戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们回到那个战火纷飞的年代。   1942年11月2日这一天,德国第3装甲部队在阿塞拜疆奥尔德肖尼启外5英里(8公里)处被苏联军队拦截。这里是二战时期德军部
The criminal acts of American soldiers in the Philippines have garnered global attention. The military presence and conduct of the United States in
曾經稱霸一方、令歐洲震怖的鄂圖曼土耳其帝國,有一支精銳的常備部隊。他們多數從基督徒的孩子們選出,從小就受到訓練,直屬於蘇丹。在十六世紀的許多歐人觀察者眼中,蘇丹的這支部隊就是世界上最精銳的軍隊:Yeniçeri。 這支軍隊,在中文世界的翻譯卻相當繁雜。有稱為新軍,有指為禁軍、親兵,還有乾脆放棄
Sepoy,來自於波斯語 sepāhī。本來在蒙兀兒帝國的時代,這個波斯字指的是蒙兀兒麾下的步兵部隊。但在英國東印度公司入侵印度後,英國東印度公司雇用大量本地的印度士兵為之作戰。於是,這個字進入英文,轉為Sepoy,開始指在英國麾下作戰的印度步兵們。 Sepoy是英國在印度的主力部隊,佔據英軍
「都是你們這些女人剝奪我安身立命的地方!不但可以享受產假、育嬰假這些福利,還迸出什麼女性自我提升計畫?一路搭直升機的感覺可真好啊!要是你們這些女人當上高層幹部,叫我們這些男人怎麼自處?明明公司就是男人的家,只有這裡才是我的歸屬!」 男孩們?你們也是這樣想嘛?在下方留言告訴我吧。
  朋友们,大家好!今天我们来谈一谈,在过去发生过的世界大战之中,曾有过哪些令人惊讶的,关于士兵们的极端行为?现在,让我们来了解一下。   在第一次世界大战期间,战壕中,士兵的平均寿命为六周。在这六周之内,基本上就是要么被炸成碎片,要么就是吸入芥子气中毒死亡。在面对着这些事情的时候,士兵们
  ​朋友们,大家好!在第二次世界大战的太平洋战场上,美军在和日军的对抗中,曾付出过巨大的代价。那么和日军对抗的其实不只有美国海军,还有来自澳大利亚的军队。澳大利亚军队的士兵曾在和日军作战中,有遇到过什么恶劣的事情吗?现在,让我们 来了解一下。   在太平洋战场上,澳大利亚军队主要集中在巴
  朋友们好,今天我们来谈一谈在第二次世界大战期间,阿塞拜疆扮演了什么角色。阿塞拜疆在二战期间是苏联的加盟国,戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们回到那个战火纷飞的年代。   1942年11月2日这一天,德国第3装甲部队在阿塞拜疆奥尔德肖尼启外5英里(8公里)处被苏联军队拦截。这里是二战时期德军部