Social Security check increased this year due to inflation

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With inflation at its highest rate since 1982, the Social Security administration made a 5.9% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for benefits doled out in 2022. In April 2022, the average monthly benefit for retired workers was $1,666.49. The average monthly benefit spousal benefit was $837.34.

The Social Security administration ties the cost-of-living adjustment to the annual inflation rate. By changing the COLA every year to reflect price changes, the Social Security Administration helps ensure that inflation does not eat away at people’s retirement benefits.

If you haven’t retired yet, you can estimate what your Social Security benefits will be with the Social Security Administration’s calculator. It’s important to note that while you can start collecting benefits at age 62, if you wait until full your full retirement age (or longer) your monthly check will be larger.

While this year’s cost-of-living adjustment helps retirees facing higher prices on everything from their grocery to gas bills, the rising cost of Medicare could still reduce peoples’ monthly benefits. 

In 2022, Medicare Part B premiums, which are deducted from retirees Social Security benefits, increased more than $20 from $148.50 to $170.10. This $21.60 price increase was the largest Part B basic premium increase in the program’s history, according to AARP. The increase in premiums was due to Medicare’s coverage of a new alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm.

In May 2022, Health and Human Services announced that it had overestimated the cost of the drug and that premiums would be reduced in 2023 as a result.

Retirees, however, will likely still feel the impact of inflation despite the COLA and reduced Medicare premiums in 2023. In May 2022, the year-over-year inflation rate was 8.6% with some of the largest price increases seen in new and used cars, food and gasoline. 

So, what can future retirees do about inflation eroding the value of their Social Security benefits? 

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Why you need to supplement your Social Security benefits

First off, Social Security was intended to be a supplement to people’s retirement savings. The National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) describes retirement income as a ‘three-legged stool’, consisting of Social Security, a pension plan, and individual retirement savings through accounts like a 401(k) or an individual retirement account. 

However, since the 1980s, fewer and fewer companies have been offering pension plans to their employees. The onus for saving for retirement has fallen on the employee.

And most people aren’t doing great when it comes to saving for the future: A 2020 NIRS study found that 40% of Americans rely on Social Security as their sole source of retirement income. The average annual Social Security benefit for a worker is nearly $20,000, hardly enough money for most retirees to subsist on.

When it comes to saving for retirement, it’s important to start as early as you can, whether that’s through an employer-sponsored 401(k) or a traditional or Roth IRA. By saving for retirement early in life, you’ll reap the benefits of compound interest, which is interest earned on interest.  

For example, if you started saving for retirement when you’re 25 and had investments yielding a more conservative 6% return, you would need to invest $530 per month for 40 years to reach $1 million. If you waited until you were 40 and had investments yielding a 6% return, you would need to invest $1,500 per month for 25 years to end up with $1 million.

How to start saving for retirement

While it may seem daunting to start saving hundreds of dollars every month, you can start small and increase your savings rate over time. Experts generally recommend saving between 10% and 20% of your annual income, but if you have credit card debt or other high interest debt, you generally should prioritize paying that off before you start investing. 

If your employer matches your 401(k) contributions, you’ll want to focus on maximizing the match. By doing so, you’re earning free money. A 401(k) is considered a pre-tax retirement account. With a 401(k), money is automatically deducted from your paycheck, and you won’t pay taxes on that income until you withdraw it in retirement 

After you’ve maximized your employer’s 401(k) match, you might consider opening an individual retirement account (IRA). The traditional and Roth IRA are the two most common types of IRAs. For IRAs, the contribution limit is $6,000, but individuals over the age of 50 can make catch-up contributions for a max limit of $7,000.

Like a 401(k), a traditional IRA is a pre-tax retirement account where individuals don’t pay taxes on their investments until they withdraw them in retirement. An traditional IRA has no income limits, so it’s available to everyone regardless of how much money you make. 

A traditional IRA also offers a tax advantage: Traditional IRA contributions may be tax deductible, depending on your income and if you have a retirement plan through work. This means your traditional IRA contributions can reduce your taxable income, which can reduce the amount of income tax you owe each year you make contributions. 

A Roth IRA offers a different type of tax advantage. Individuals use after-tax income to make contributions and then their investments grow and can be withdrawn tax-free. A Roth IRA, however, is not available to everyone due to income limits. For 2022, the income limit for single-filers is $144,000 and for married couples filing jointly it is $214,000.

When Select analyzed over 20 traditional IRAs and 20 Roth IRAs, it ranked Charles Schwab as having the best traditional and Roth IRA. This was based on factors like whether a minimum deposit was required, the fees and the variety of investment options offered. 

If you’re a newbie to the world of investing, you can also opt for a robo-advisor which will create a portfolio based on your financial goals, retirement horizon and risk tolerance. Robo-advisors typically invest in low-fee mutual and exchange-traded funds. It then uses an algorithm to rebalance your portfolio by periodically buying and selling funds and securities in order to meet your financial goals. 

Select ranked Wealthfront and Betterment as some of the best robo-advisors based on factors like the types of fees, whether there were account minimums and the types of investments offered.

Bottom line

Regardless of what type of retirement account you choose, it’s vital to start saving for retirement as early as possible, even if it’s just a few dollars a month.

While Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation each year, the rising cost of healthcare and the fact that Social Security was intended to only supplement people’s retirement savings means that you’ll want to build a sizeable nest egg for your golden years.

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退休時我有26年的勞保年資,當時有3種選擇: 1.一次請領老年給付 2.續保國民年金,屆齡領勞保年金跟國民年金。 3.續保職業工會累積勞保年資,屆齡領勞保年金。   先看請領資格: 98年1月1日勞保年金施行後,老年給付分3種給付項目: 1.老年年金給付 2.老年一次金給付 3.一
《勞動基準法》有關勞雇雙方可協商延後強制退休年齡之規定,已於今(113)年8月2日正式施行。 勞動部表示,勞工年滿65歲繼續工作,得繼續參加勞工保險。嗣後離職退保請領勞保老年年金給付,因年金之年資採計無上限,並設有展延年金給付機制,可增進高齡勞工之老年年金給付權益。 逾五成七退休勞工月領不到2
到底要準備多少錢才可以提早退休呢?? 這是很多人的疑問! 我們先把每年固定支出的費用加總起來 像是房貸 車貸 保險 教育費 雜費 餐費等等 平均下來就可以知道每月大該需要支出少費用 然後帶入這個簡單的算式 ( )X12X25=需要準備的退休金額 假設宥爸每月需要支出10萬元
老年年金 特點 保越久領越多,年資計算無上限 終身領取 會隨 CPI 調整來抗通膨 → 依 CPI 做老年年金調整 資格 勞工年滿 60 歲,且保險年資合計滿 15 年 法定請領年齡 計算 平均月投保薪資 = 加保期間,最高 60 個月之平均月投保薪資 b 式 = 平均月
大家好,我是小畢,選擇投資指數化投資的人,目的除了讓資產對抗通膨外,還有就是要能提供退休後的生活開銷,但是退休後每年要從資產中提領多少作為生活費,才不會發生錢花光,人卻還在的狀況呢? 目前比較廣為人知的應該就是所謂的4%提領法則,最早是由美國財務顧問威廉班根,在1994年的研究提出,他設定投資
大家都想提早退休,但對數字總是非常地模糊,其實你可以用4%提領率來計算,假設你退休時,, 每年所需花費為50萬元,那麼用4%的提領率回推,50萬÷0.04=1250萬。也就是說你要退休時, 只要存到1250萬就夠了。 透過這篇文章,你可以算出目前適合你的退休數字,並得到方法讓資產加速增長的方法。
臺灣已進入超高齡社會,65 歲以上人口占比已超過 20%。政府提供的退休福利有限,因此個人需要更主動地進行理財規劃,以確保退休後仍能維持舒適的生活水準。通膨是無形的價格上漲,對退休金的實際購買力造成潛在威脅。在退休理財中,必須謹慎考慮通膨因素,以確保未來的退休金能夠應對生活成本的增加。
退休時我有26年的勞保年資,當時有3種選擇: 1.一次請領老年給付 2.續保國民年金,屆齡領勞保年金跟國民年金。 3.續保職業工會累積勞保年資,屆齡領勞保年金。   先看請領資格: 98年1月1日勞保年金施行後,老年給付分3種給付項目: 1.老年年金給付 2.老年一次金給付 3.一
《勞動基準法》有關勞雇雙方可協商延後強制退休年齡之規定,已於今(113)年8月2日正式施行。 勞動部表示,勞工年滿65歲繼續工作,得繼續參加勞工保險。嗣後離職退保請領勞保老年年金給付,因年金之年資採計無上限,並設有展延年金給付機制,可增進高齡勞工之老年年金給付權益。 逾五成七退休勞工月領不到2
到底要準備多少錢才可以提早退休呢?? 這是很多人的疑問! 我們先把每年固定支出的費用加總起來 像是房貸 車貸 保險 教育費 雜費 餐費等等 平均下來就可以知道每月大該需要支出少費用 然後帶入這個簡單的算式 ( )X12X25=需要準備的退休金額 假設宥爸每月需要支出10萬元
老年年金 特點 保越久領越多,年資計算無上限 終身領取 會隨 CPI 調整來抗通膨 → 依 CPI 做老年年金調整 資格 勞工年滿 60 歲,且保險年資合計滿 15 年 法定請領年齡 計算 平均月投保薪資 = 加保期間,最高 60 個月之平均月投保薪資 b 式 = 平均月
大家好,我是小畢,選擇投資指數化投資的人,目的除了讓資產對抗通膨外,還有就是要能提供退休後的生活開銷,但是退休後每年要從資產中提領多少作為生活費,才不會發生錢花光,人卻還在的狀況呢? 目前比較廣為人知的應該就是所謂的4%提領法則,最早是由美國財務顧問威廉班根,在1994年的研究提出,他設定投資
大家都想提早退休,但對數字總是非常地模糊,其實你可以用4%提領率來計算,假設你退休時,, 每年所需花費為50萬元,那麼用4%的提領率回推,50萬÷0.04=1250萬。也就是說你要退休時, 只要存到1250萬就夠了。 透過這篇文章,你可以算出目前適合你的退休數字,並得到方法讓資產加速增長的方法。
臺灣已進入超高齡社會,65 歲以上人口占比已超過 20%。政府提供的退休福利有限,因此個人需要更主動地進行理財規劃,以確保退休後仍能維持舒適的生活水準。通膨是無形的價格上漲,對退休金的實際購買力造成潛在威脅。在退休理財中,必須謹慎考慮通膨因素,以確保未來的退休金能夠應對生活成本的增加。