更新於 2025/01/03閱讀時間約 8 分鐘

【法學】每日30個英文單字 ⑦

1. Aduct

字根、字首、字尾: Ad- (to), -duct (lead)

解釋: 綁架

例句: The criminal was arrested for attempting to abduct a child.

2. Abuse

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 濫用

例句: The government has implemented strict measures to prevent the abuse of power.

3. Access

字根、字首、字尾: Ac- (to), -cess (go)

解釋: 取出(資料)

例句: Only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information.

4. Accuse

字根、字首、字尾: Ac- (to), -cuse (call)

解釋: 指控

例句: The prosecutor decided to accuse the suspect of fraud.

5. Accused

字根、字首、字尾: Ac- (to), -cuse (call)

解釋: 被告

例句: The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.

6. Address

字根、字首、字尾: Ad- (to), -dress (direct)

解釋: 地址

例句: Please provide your full address for shipping.

7. Affair

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 事件

例句: The scandal became a major political affair.

8. Alarm

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 警報

例句: The fire alarm alerted everyone in the building to evacuate.

9. Alias

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 化名

例句: The criminal used an alias to hide his true identity.

10. Alibi

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 不在場證明

例句: The suspect provided a solid alibi for the time of the crime.

11. Alien

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 外國人

例句: The government imposed strict immigration policies to control the influx of aliens.

12. Alimony

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 贍養費

例句: After the divorce, he was required to pay alimony to his ex-wife.

13. Allege

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 宣稱

例句: The witness alleged that he saw the suspect at the crime scene.

14. Ambush

字根、字首、字尾: Am- (around), -bush (wood)

解釋: 埋伏

例句: The soldiers set up an ambush to surprise the enemy.

15. Ammunition

字根、字首、字尾: Am- (around), -munition (materials)

解釋: 彈藥

例句: The soldiers carried enough ammunition for the battle.

16. Amphetamine

字根、字首、字尾: Am- (around), -phetamine (excite)

解釋: 安非他命

例句: The illegal use of amphetamine has serious health consequences.

17. Anonymous

字根、字首、字尾: An- (without), -onymous (name)

解釋: 匿名

例句: The tip was submitted anonymously to protect the informant's identity.

18. Appeal

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 上訴

例句: The defendant decided to appeal the court's decision.

19. Application

字根、字首、字尾: Ap- (to), -lication (apply)

解釋: 應用

例句: The new software has various applications for different industries.

20. Apprehend

字根、字首、字尾: Ap- (to), -prehend (seize)

解釋: 逮捕

例句: The police managed to apprehend the suspect after a long pursuit.

21. Approve

字根、字首、字尾: Ap- (to), -prove (prove)

解釋: 同意

例句: The committee needs to approve the budget before it can be implemented.

22. Armed

字根、字首、字尾: Arm- (weapon), -ed (having)

解釋: 武裝的

例句: The security guards are armed to ensure the safety of the facility.

23. Arson

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 縱火

例句: The investigators concluded that the fire was caused by arson.

24. Assault

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 攻擊

例句: The victim suffered injuries from a brutal assault.

25. Assembly

字根、字首、字尾: As- (to), -sembly (gather)

解釋: 集合

例句: The students gathered in the assembly hall for the school meeting.

26. Assign

字根、字首、字尾: As- (to), -sign (sign)

解釋: 指派

例句: The manager will assign specific tasks to each team member.

27. Assignment

字根、字首、字尾: As- (to), -signment (assign)

解釋: 作業;任務

例句: The students were given a challenging assignment to complete over the weekend.

28. Attorney

字根、字首、字尾: At- (to), -torney (turn)

解釋: 律師

例句: The attorney presented a strong case in defense of her client.

29. Authorities

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 當局

例句: The authorities are investigating the cause of the accident.

30. Await

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 等待

例句: The team is anxiously awaiting the results of the competition.

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