【法學】每日30個英文單字 ⑧

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1. Backup

字根、字首、字尾: Back- (back), -up (increase)

解釋: 備份;後援

例句: It's crucial to have a backup of important files in case of computer failure.

2. Baton

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 杵, 警棍, 指揮棒

例句: The police officer used a baton to control the crowd during the protest.

3. Blackmail

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 敲詐

例句: The criminal was arrested for attempting to blackmail a prominent politician.

4. Bribery

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 行賄

例句: The company was fined for engaging in bribery to secure contracts.

5. Bulletproof

字根、字首、字尾: Bullet- (bullet), -proof (resistant)

解釋: 放彈的

例句: The armored vehicle was designed to be bulletproof to protect against gunfire.

6. Bureau

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 局

例句: The intelligence bureau is responsible for gathering and analyzing information.

7. Burglar

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 竊賊

例句: The burglar was caught breaking into a house and stealing valuables.

8. Burglary

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 住宅竊盜

例句: The police are investigating a series of burglaries in the neighborhood.

9. Casualty

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 傷亡人數

例句: The hospital received a high number of casualties after the earthquake.

10. Census

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 人口普查

例句: The government conducts a census every ten years to gather demographic information.

11. Charge

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 索價;負責;充電;控告

例句: The store will charge extra for delivery services.

12. Chief

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 首要的

例句: The chief executive officer is responsible for making key decisions in the company.

13. Citation

字根、字首、字尾: Cite- (quote), -ation (action)

解釋: 引用

例句: The academic paper included a citation of relevant studies to support the arguments.

14. Civil

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 市民的

例句: Civil rights are essential for ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens.

15. Claim

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 聲稱

例句: The insurance company will investigate the car accident before processing the claim.

16. Classified

字根、字首、字尾: Classi- (classify), -fied (past participle)

解釋: 分類的

例句: The classified documents contain sensitive information that requires protection.

17. Command

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 命令

例句: The general issued a command to the troops to advance.

18. Compartment

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -partment (part)

解釋: 劃分

例句: The suitcase had different compartments for organizing clothes and accessories.

19. Concentration

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -centration (center)

解釋: 專心

例句: The students struggled to maintain concentration during the long lecture.

20. Confess

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -fess (acknowledge)

解釋: 自白

例句: The suspect decided to confess to the crime during the police interrogation.

21. Confinement

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -finement (limit)

解釋: 限制

例句: The doctor recommended confinement to bed rest for the patient's recovery.

22. Confiscate

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (completely), -fiscate (take)

解釋: 沒收

例句: The customs officers have the authority to confiscate illegal goods at the border.

23. Conspire

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -spire (breathe)

解釋: 同謀

例句: The criminals conspired to commit a series of bank robberies.

24. Constitution

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -stitution (set up)

解釋: 憲法

例句: The Constitution outlines the fundamental principles and laws of a country.

25. Consult

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -sult (consult)

解釋: 與...商量

例句: Before making a decision, it's essential to consult with experts for advice.

26. Contaminate

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -tamin- (pollute), -ate (cause)

解釋: 汙染;毒害

例句: Industrial activities can contaminate water sources with harmful chemicals.

27. Convict

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (completely), -vict (conquer)

解釋: 判...有罪

例句: The jury deliberated and decided to convict the defendant of the crime.

28. Coroner

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 驗屍官

例句: The coroner conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

29. Corpse

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 屍體

例句: The investigators found the corpse in the abandoned building.

30. Corruption

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 貪汙

例句: The government is committed to eliminating corruption within its institutions.


Google News 追蹤
● 結論: 完善的原住民教育政策絕不是全然侷限於學校的行動影響,而是創造一個原住民的 「友善社會」,以需要被延續的事物-原住民的語言及知識為社會的主體,這同時也是 政策推行時的動力及資源,而原住民教育機構更是友善社會中最重要的一環,其課綱 並不局限於技藝教育,更著重在教育新一代原住民其相關知識系統及
● 結論: 完善的原住民教育政策絕不是全然侷限於學校的行動影響,而是創造一個原住民的 「友善社會」,以需要被延續的事物-原住民的語言及知識為社會的主體,這同時也是 政策推行時的動力及資源,而原住民教育機構更是友善社會中最重要的一環,其課綱 並不局限於技藝教育,更著重在教育新一代原住民其相關知識系統及