2024-02-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘


Spending Two Days in the West’s Culture Capital

Ever since its establishment as a gold rush town in the 1850s, Denver has been a city of transplants. In recent years, legions of work-from-anywhere types have heeded its mile-high call of the wild. These transplants—mostly millennials—have become the proxy architects of the city’s fast-evolving neighborhoods. Retail businesses and restaurants—almost always in prefabricated, low-rise glass buildings—seem designed for social media with a cheery, photo-friendly patina. Many are popular concepts brought in from their original hometowns, such as Brooklyn, New York, pizza icon Roberta’s and Austin, Texas, sushi stronghold Uchi. But if Denver feels at times like a generic catchall of Pan-American culture rather than its own distinct place, that’s in the process of changing. If you have only 48 hours, here’s what to do there.




①   capital(某種工業,活動的)重要都市

②   establishment建立;設立,創立

③   gold rush淘金潮

④   transplant移居

⑤   legion眾多,大量

⑥   heed注意

⑦   the Mile-High City是Denver別名,中文譯為「里高城 」

⑧   millennial 2000年左右出生的人,千禧世代

⑨   proxy代理人

⑩   evolve【生】進化形成

⑪  prefabricated(建築)預製構件的

⑫  patina綠鏽

⑬  icon偶像,崇拜對象

⑭  stronghold大本營;據點

⑮  generic一般的;非商標的;沒有商標名的

⑯  Pan-American泛美的

⑰  distinct與其他不同的,有區別的



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