更新於 2024/03/31閱讀時間約 13 分鐘

罪在多種方式上被定義...Sin causes a variety of negative outcomes...

    - **Sin Nature and Personal Accountability**:

    - The biggest problem individuals face, according to Rick Warren, is themselves, stemming from incorrect thinking leading to poor choices and negative behaviors, described as one's sin nature.

    - 根據Rick Warren所說,個人面臨的最大問題是他們自己,這源於錯誤的思考導致了不良的選擇和負面行為,這被描述為一個人的罪性。

    - **Definitions of Sin**:

    - Sin is defined in multiple ways, including being the opposite of God and good, a perversion of God's good gifts, and inherently self-centered, as illustrated by the assertion that acts of sin, crime, and pride all centrally involve the individual ('I').

    - 罪在多種方式上被定義,包括與神和善的對立、對神美好恩賜的曲解,以及本質上的自我中心,正如所說,罪行、犯罪和驕傲都中心涉及個體(「我」)。

    - **Consequences of Sin**:

    - Sin causes a variety of negative outcomes including broken relationships, self-destructiveness, and ultimately, alienation from God, emphasizing its broad and deeply harmful impact on personal and communal levels.

    - 罪導致了多種負面後果,包括破碎的關係、自我毀滅,以及最終與上帝的疏遠,強調其在個人和社群層面上的廣泛和深遠的危害影響。

    - **Sin's Relational Impact and Gravity Analogy**:

    - Warren draws parallels between sin's effects on relationships, particularly with God, and natural laws, using gravity as an analogy to illustrate sin's inevitable and universal consequences.

    - Warren將罪對關係的影響,尤其是與上帝的關係,與自然法則相提並論,使用重力作為類比,以說明罪的不可避免和普遍後果。

    - **Solution and Hope through Faith**:

    - Despite the pervasive and destructive nature of sin, Warren concludes with a message of hope, highlighting Jesus' sacrifice as a means for redemption and urging listeners to live a God-centered life, reinforcing the theme of salvation and transformation through faith.

    - 儘管罪的性質普遍且具有破壞性,Warren以帶有希望的訊息作結,強調耶穌的犧牲作為救贖的手段,並敦促聽眾過以神為中心的生活,強化通過信仰實現救贖和轉變的主題。

    Given the extensive content, I will continue the translation in segments for accuracy and comprehension.

    (00:00) if you take out your message notes inside your program we're gonna continue in a series that I started a long time ago on rethinking your life and if I were I want to begin with a question if I were to ask you what's the biggest problem in your life right now you might say well Rick I'm under some financial pressure or I've got a strain and a relationship having a little bit of conflict or I'm dealing with some tight deadlines I've got to deal with or I've got opposition or I've got limited

    (00:31) resources or I've got competition and you might give me a list of different problems that you have in your life but that's not your biggest problem the truth is your biggest problem is you and I am my biggest problem you caused yourself more problems than anybody else does and so do I and you do it by the way you think because when you don't think correctly it causes you to feel incorrectly and when you feel incorrectly you tend to make bad choices and that causes all kinds of problems in your life


    (01:09) problems in your life are caused by the way you think and you see you talk to yourself all the time you're doing it right now while I'm talking to you going I wonder if what Rick's gonna say today is gonna be interesting and and and you talk to yourself all of the time not everything you tell yourself is the truth the Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it in other words I've said this to you many times you lie to yourself we lie to ourselves far more than we lie to

    (01:39) anybody else sometimes we tell ourselves things are better than they really are sometimes we tell ourselves that they're worse than they really are and not everything you feel well I feel it must be true not everything you feel is the truth not everything you think is the truth and as your pastor and your friend and your coach I want to tell you I give you permission to not believe yourself just because you think it doesn't mean it's true just because you feel it well I feel it doesn't mean it's true and


    Continuing with more translations:

    (02:09) when you act on thoughts that aren't correct and feelings that aren't correct you're gonna have behavior that's not correct and it's gonna cause all kinds of problems in in your decision-making now this is called your sin nature we all have it it's also called the law of sin it's called the power of sin in your life for instance even when you know the right thing to you to do do you sometimes not do it duh yeah of course you know the right thing to do most of the time doesn't mean you do it all the


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