2024-04-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 22 分鐘

e等公務園+學習平臺/公務實用英語(基礎篇)-機關/職務介紹-委升薦及員升高員訓練適用 測驗/解答

    He gets up early            arrive at school on time.

    so as to

    The rent of this house is reasonable.             , the location is perfect.


    I currently            Household Registration Officer of the Household Registration Office of the Galaxy County.

    work as a

    You can go to the hospital             illness.

    in case of

                 , there's no smoke without fire.

    As a popular saying goes

    A carnival was planned              the church. 

    in behalf of

    Tony knows how to             his grammar knowledge in writing. 


    I am writing            my mother, to express her thanks for your gift.

    on behalf of

                , "As distance shows a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart".

    As the old saying goes

    I would appreciate it            you could attend the meeting tomorrow.


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