2024-05-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

保護森林的女人 A woman protecting the forest- Jane

As she walked, Jane noticed something unusual—a faint, melodic humming drifting through the air.

As she walked, Jane noticed something unusual—a faint, melodic humming drifting through the air.











Jane sat by the window of her quaint cottage, nestled in the heart of a lush forest. Her round glasses perched delicately on her nose, and her gentle smile radiated warmth. The forest outside was alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, a constant reminder of the vibrant life surrounding her.

Jane had always been a part of this forest. She grew up exploring its hidden paths, learning its secrets, and forging a bond with the wildlife. Her parents, both naturalists, had instilled in her a deep love and respect for nature. They taught her to listen to the whispers of the trees and to understand the language of the animals.

One crisp autumn morning, as the first light of dawn filtered through the trees, Jane embarked on her daily walk. She donned her favorite knitted scarf and set off down a familiar trail. The forest was a tapestry of gold and crimson, with leaves crunching underfoot.

As she walked, Jane noticed something unusual—a faint, melodic humming drifting through the air. Intrigued, she followed the sound, weaving through the trees until she reached a small clearing. There, bathed in a pool of sunlight, was a young deer. Its fur glistened with an almost ethereal glow, and it was humming a tune that resonated with the very soul of the forest.

Jane approached slowly, her heart pounding with excitement. She had never encountered anything like this before. The deer turned its head towards her, its eyes reflecting wisdom and kindness. Jane extended her hand, and the deer stepped forward, nuzzling her palm with a sense of familiarity.

From that day on, Jane and the deer became inseparable companions. They shared countless adventures, exploring hidden corners of the forest and uncovering its mysteries. Jane often wondered if the deer was a guardian spirit of the forest, sent to guide her and protect the land she loved so dearly.

Years passed, and Jane grew older, but her spirit remained as vibrant as ever. She spent her days tending to the forest, ensuring it thrived for generations to come. And every morning, like clockwork, the melodic humming of her deer friend greeted her, a reminder of the magical bond they shared.

Jane's story became a legend in the nearby village. People spoke of the woman who could communicate with the animals and protect the forest with unwavering devotion. Her legacy lived on, inspiring others to cherish and preserve the natural world.

In the end, Jane's heart was forever entwined with the forest, and her story a testament to the power of love and the magic of nature.

My Name is Jane.

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