2024-06-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

每日英語 #018: New York City’s High Line Park

New York City’s High Line Park

We’ve all heard of “recycling,” the using of old things for new purposes. But what if you’re a large city with old “railroad tracks” (metal lines or rails that trains travel on)? What if they’re “elevated” (above the ground) and not easy to “get rid of” (throw away; made to disappear)? New York City came up with a great idea for one section of its old train tracks.


The High Line Park in the middle of New York city is a one-mile (1.61-kilometer) park located on top of a “stretch” (section) of old “freight” (carrying goods, not people) train tracks. Originally, the High Line was a train that brought “raw” (not processed) and “manufactured” (made by people or machines) goods across the city, as well as milk, meat, “produce” (fruits and vegetables). The High Line opened in 1934 and ended its service in 1980.


With the “urging” (encouragement) of people who lived in the neighborhood, “construction” (building) on the new park began in 2006 and opened in 2009. The park includes walkways where people can “stroll” (walk slowly for enjoyment) and “jog” (run for health). It has many “benches” (long seats made with wood, stone, or concrete) where people can sit and enjoy the nice views.


The park is also a place to enjoy nature. It includes 210 “species” (types) of plants and flowers. High Line Park is an excellent example of “repurposing” (making for a new use) an old “eyesore” (something ugly) into something useful and beautiful.



  • 1. Recycling (回收) - /ˌriːˈsaɪklɪŋ/
  • 2. Railroad tracks (鐵軌) - /ˈreɪlroʊd træks/
  • 3. Elevated (高架的) - /ˈɛləˌveɪtɪd/
  • 4. Get rid of (處理掉) - /ɡɛt rɪd ʌv/
  • 5. Stretch (段, 節) - /strɛtʃ/
  • 6. Freight (貨運) - /freɪt/
  • 7. Raw (原材料的) - /rɔː/
  • 8. Manufactured (製造的) - /ˌmænjəˈfæktʃərd/
  • 9. Produce (農產品) - /ˈproʊdus/
  • 10. Urging (敦促) - /ˈɜrdʒɪŋ/
  • 11. Construction (建設) - /kənˈstrʌkʃən/
  • 12. Stroll (漫步) - /stroʊl/
  • 13. Jog (慢跑) - /dʒɑɡ/
  • 14. Benches (長凳) - /bɛnʧɪz/
  • 15. Species (物種) - /ˈspiːʃiz/
  • 16. Repurposing (改造) - /riˈpɜrpəsɪŋ/
  • 17. Eyesore (礙眼物) - /ˈaɪˌsɔr/
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