每日英語 #033: Civil engineers

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Civil engineers

Civil engineers “design” (plan; create) and “supervise” (observe and direct) large “construction projects,” including roads, buildings, airports, “tunnels” (passages underground), “bridges” (structures over water), and systems for water supply and “sewage treatment” (the processing of waste from human bodies). Sometimes, they work on “complex” (complicated; with many parts) projects, so they usually “specialize in” (focus on; have special skills in) one of several areas.


Civil engineers generally work indoors in offices. However, they sometimes spend time outdoors at “construction sites” (where building is taking place) so they can watch the progress or solve problems at the site.


Civil engineers need a bachelor’s degree. A degree from an “accredited” (official, having met state or federal requirements) engineering program is generally required to obtain a license.


Early in the licensing process, a civil engineer also must take and pass the “Fundamentals of Engineering Examination.” After passing this exam and meeting a specific state’s requirements, an engineer then becomes a Civil Engineering Intern or an Engineer-in-Training. Afterward, depending on the state, civil engineers must have a minimum of experience, pass more exams, and “satisfy” (meet) other requirements to qualify as a Civil Engineer Professional.


Civil engineers must be licensed in all states. A license is required to supervise a project and to “oversee” (take responsibility for and give instructions to) other civil engineers and civil engineering “technicians” (workers with special technical skills).



  • Design /dɪˈzaɪn/ 設計
  • Supervise /ˈsuːpərˌvaɪz/ 監督
  • Construction projects /kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈprɒdʒɛkts/ 建設項目
  • Tunnels /ˈtʌnəlz/ 隧道
  • Bridges /brɪdʒɪz/ 橋樑
  • Sewage treatment /ˈsuɪdʒ ˈtritmənt/ 污水處理
  • Complex /ˈkɒmplɛks/ 複雜的
  • Specialize in /ˈspɛʃəˌlaɪz ɪn/ 專門從事
  • Construction sites /kənˈstrʌkʃən saɪts/ 建設工地
  • Accredited /əˈkrɛdɪtɪd/ 認可的
  • Fundamentals of Engineering Examination /ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəlz əv ˌɛnʤɪˈnɪrɪŋ ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən/ 工程基礎考試
  • Satisfy /ˈsætɪsˌfaɪ/ 滿足
  • Oversee /ˌoʊvərˈsi/ 監管
  • Technicians /tɛkˈnɪʃənz/ 技術員
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