每日英語 #074: Renting a Car

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Renting a Car

Some Americans choose the “cheapest” (least expensive) option when renting a car: a “no-frills” (without anything special or additional) compact car. Other customers choose “top-of-the-line” (best available) full-size cars with leather seats. Here are some other “extras” (additional things) that customers can choose to have.


Parents of small children can choose to get a “car seat” when they rent a car. A “car seat” is a special chair for young children. It attaches to the car on top of a regular seat and makes it safer for babies and young children to travel in a car. For many families, asking for a car seat when renting a car is more convenient than flying with their own car seat.


Car renters can also request a “GPS” (global positioning system) “navigation” (helping one know where one is and where one is going) system. This is a small computer inside the car that has an electronic “display” (allowing something to be seen) with a map that shows the car’s current location. The driver can type in the “destination” (where one wants to go) and the navigation system will provide directions, usually through a computerized voice.


Another extra offered by many car rental companies is a “toll pass.” In areas with many “tolls” (money paid to use a particular section of road or to cross a certain bridge), drivers must stop to pay frequently. With a toll pass, they can drive through special “lanes” (rows of traffic) and an electronic signal is sent from the toll pass to the “toll booth” (where money is collected) with no need to stop or even slow down.



  • Cheapest 最便宜的 /ˈʧiːpɪst/
  • No-frills 無附加設備的 /ˌnoʊˈfrɪlz/
  • Compact car 小型車 /ˈkɒmpækt kɑːr/
  • Top-of-the-line 頂級的 /ˌtɑːp əv ðə ˈlaɪn/
  • Extras 額外服務 /ˈɛkstrəz/
  • Car seat 兒童座椅 /kɑːr siːt/
  • GPS (global positioning system) 全球定位系統 /ʤiː piː ɛs/
  • Navigation 導航 /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃən/
  • Display 顯示屏 /dɪˈspleɪ/
  • Destination 目的地 /ˌdɛstəˈneɪʃən/
  • Toll pass 通行證 /toʊl pæs/
  • Tolls 通行費 /toʊlz/
  • Lanes 車道 /leɪnz/
  • Toll booth 收費站 /toʊl buːθ/
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Stand-up comedy is a popular form of entertainment in the U.S.