2024-07-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘

資訊及洞見是IELTS Speaking Part 3高分之鑰(不是換上數個進階單字)

What do you think about brands being featured in TV shows and movies?

Brands being prominently featured in TV shows and movies often detract from the viewing experience. When such content appears, my immediate reaction is to switch channels or stop watching altogether. This practice disrupts the storytelling and pulls viewers out of the narrative, significantly reducing enjoyment. Moreover, it seems like a subtle form of manipulation, raising ethical concerns about the blurred lines between entertainment and advertising.

Do you think audiences are becoming more aware of hidden advertisements in media? Why or why not?

Yes, I believe everyone is indeed becoming more adept at recognizing hidden advertisements in media. On the social side, the rise of social media has created platforms where viewers discuss and share their observations about product placements, rapidly increasing collective awareness. On the educational side, there's a growing emphasis on media literacy in schools, teaching students critical viewing skills to identify commercial interests in content. This combination of social sharing and formal education is equipping audiences with the tools to spot even subtle forms of advertising.

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