2024-09-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

Musk's X 巴西最高法院下令禁止X平台



巴西最高法院大法官莫瑞斯下令將馬斯克(Elon Musk)旗下的X社群平台停止在巴西營運,因為馬斯克未能在最高法院法官設定的最後期限內任命在巴西的新法律代表。

X, formerly Twitter, has been banned in Brazil on Saturday, after failing to meet a deadline set by a Supreme Court judge to name a new legal representative in the country.

X,前身為 Twitter,因未能在最高法院法官設定的最後期限內任命在巴西的新法律代表,於週六在巴西被禁止使用。

The row began in April, with the judge ordering the suspension of dozens of X accounts for allegedly spreading disinformation. It further escalates a monthslong feud over free speech, far-right accounts and misinformation.

這場爭吵始於四月,法官下令暫停數十個涉嫌散佈假訊息的 X 帳號。這進一步加劇了長達數月的圍繞言論自由、極右言論和錯誤訊息的爭執。

Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the "immediate and complete suspension" of the social media platform until it complies with all court orders and pays existing fines.


Reacting to the decision, X owner Elon Musk has criticized de Moraes, accusing him of muzzling free speech in the country.

針對這一決定,X擁有者Elon Musk批評了莫瑞斯,指責他在該國阻止言論自由。

Justice Moraes has given companies such as Apple and Google deadline to remove X from its application stores and block its use on iOS and Android systems. 

He added that people or businesses using means such as VPNs to access the platform could be fined.

莫瑞斯法官給了蘋果和谷歌等公司期限,要求他們將 X 從其應用程式商店中刪除,並阻止在iOS 和 Android 系統上使用。他補充說,使用 VPN等方式存取該平台的人或企業可能會被罰款。

Meanwhile, the bank accounts of Mr Musk's satellite internet firm Starlink have been frozen in Brazil following an earlier order by the country's Supreme Court to ensure payment of fines imposed as part of legal disputes involving X.

同時,根據巴西最高法院早些時候的命令,馬斯克的衛星網路公司 Starlink銀行帳戶在巴西被凍結,以確保支付因涉及 X 的法律糾紛而徵收的罰款。

💡參考內容: CNN,BBC

📷Photo: Reuters

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