每日英語 #139: Lying on a Resume 履歷造假

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Lying on a Resume 履歷造假

A “resume” is a document that lists a person’s education and “training” (formal learning beyond the degrees they’ve earned), their qualifications, their work experience, and any special skills. It’s not unusual for “jobseekers” (people looking for jobs) to “pad” (make bigger or more substantial than something really is) their resumes just a little bit to sound more “impressive” (causing others to admire them).


In fact, most employers in the United States know to “deduct” (subtract; take away from a number) a little from each resume they read, assuming that most people have “exaggerated” (made something larger than it really is) their qualifications, experience, or skills in some way.


This exaggeration, while not completely honest, is generally expected and accepted. What is considered “unethical” (morally wrong) and unacceptable, of course, is “out-and-out” (complete; clear) lying on one’s resume.


In 2012, the “CEO” (Chief Executive Officer; the top manager of a company) of the popular website Yahoo!, Scott Thompson, was “fired” (had his job taken away) for this “very” (exact) reason. It was discovered that his official “bio” (biography; short description of a person’s life) listed a college degree in “computer science” (the study of computers) from a college in Massachusetts that he didn’t have.

2012年,熱門網站Yahoo!的「首席執行官」(公司高層經理)Scott Thompson因為這個「確切的」(準確的)原因被「解僱」(工作被撤除)。人們發現他在官方「簡介」(傳記;一個人生活的簡短描述)中列出了一個他並沒有獲得的馬薩諸塞州大學的「計算機科學」(研究計算機的學科)學位。

The truth was that he received a degree in “accounting” (the study of the organization and reporting of financial information) from the same college. That may seem like a small “distinction” (difference) in most people’s minds, but in Silicon Valley, the area in Northern California where many technology companies are located and many computer scientists and “engineers” (people who design and build machines and other things) work, this was a “big deal” (significant or important event).


Of course this was not the first time that a major “public figure” (person known to many people) has been caught “fibbing” (telling small lies). Most people who have been “outed” (had a secret or lie made public) lose their jobs, like Thompson did.



  • 1. Resume /ˈrez.juː.meɪ/ 履歷
  • 2. Training /ˈtreɪ.nɪŋ/ 培訓
  • 3. Jobseeker /ˈdʒɒbˌsiː.kər/ 求職者
  • 4. Pad /pæd/ 充實(履歷)
  • 5. Impressive /ɪmˈpres.ɪv/ 令人印象深刻的
  • 6. Deduct /dɪˈdʌkt/ 扣除
  • 7. Exaggerate /ɪɡˈzædʒ.ə.reɪt/ 誇大
  • 8. Unethical /ʌnˈeθ.ɪ.kəl/ 不道德的
  • 9. Out-and-out /ˌaʊt.əndˈaʊt/ 徹底的
  • 10. CEO /ˌsiː.iːˈoʊ/ 首席執行官
  • 11. Bio /ˈbaɪ.oʊ/ 簡歷
  • 12. Computer science /kəmˈpjuː.tər saɪəns/ 計算機科學
  • 13. Accounting /əˈkaʊn.tɪŋ/ 會計學
  • 14. Distinction /dɪˈstɪŋk.ʃən/ 區別
  • 15. Engineer /ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪər/ 工程師
  • 16. Big deal /bɪɡ diːl/ 大事件
  • 17. Public figure /ˈpʌb.lɪk ˈfɪɡ.jʊər/ 公眾人物
  • 18. Fibbing /ˈfɪb.ɪŋ/ 小謊
  • 19. Outed /ˈaʊ.tɪd/ 被揭穿

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