每日英語 #143: The Value of Parking Spaces 停車位的價值

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The Value of Parking Spaces 停車位的價值

Living in a “car-crazed” (crazy about cars; very interested in cars) city like Los Angeles, it can be very “stressful” (causing worry) to find a place to park your car in the city.


Most crowded, popular streets have “parking meters,” which are machines into which you must put “anywhere from” (ranging from) 50 cents to $2.00 “per” (each) hour in order to park in that space.


During the busy times of the day, people looking for a parking space will sometimes follow someone they see walking toward their parked car, “in the hopes” (with the expectation) that they will be able to park in that same space when the other person leaves.


Sometimes when someone follows you to your car hoping for your “spot” (parking space), you may ask yourself, “How much will this person pay me to get my parking spot?” What if you could “auction off” (sell to the person who will give you the highest price) your parking space?


Well, if you lived in New York City, you could actually do that – sell your parking space to someone.


In New York City, many of the city’s parking spaces have no parking meters. Because they are free, there are even more people trying to find an empty one to use.


Thanks to a company called StreetParkNYC (New York City), you can now advertise and sell a parking spot you are going to “vacate” (leave) through a smartphone “application” (program).


Using your smartphone, you tell the program the address where your car is located and the time you are going to leave your parking space.


Other people looking for a parking spot can then pay StreetParkNYC $5.00 to get that address and time – only one person can buy that information, of course.

其他尋找停車位的人可以支付StreetParkNYC 5美元來獲取該地址和時間——當然,只有一個人可以購買這些信息。

The other driver then drives to that address, waits for you to leave, and gets your parking space. You get $3.00, StreetParkNYC gets $2.00, and everyone is happy.


This type of service may seem “extreme” (go too far), but in a busy city, finding a parking space may be the difference between a good and bad day!



  • 1. Car-crazed /kɑːr kreɪzd/ 迷戀汽車的
  • 2. Stressful /ˈstrɛsfəl/ 緊張的
  • 3. Parking meter /ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˈmiːtər/ 停車收費表
  • 4. In the hopes /ɪn ðə hoʊps/ 期望
  • 5. Spot /spɒt/ 停車位
  • 6. Auction off /ˈɔːkʃən ɒf/ 拍賣
  • 7. Vacate /veɪˈkeɪt/ 騰出
  • 8. Application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ 應用程式
  • 9. Extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ 極端的
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