<To the chief music-maker. A Psalm. Of David.> Happy is the man who gives thought to the poor; the Lord will be his saviour in the time of trouble. The Lord will keep him safe, and give him life; the Lord will let him be a blessing on the earth, and will not give him into the hand of his haters. The Lord will be his support on his bed of pain: by you will all his grief be turned to strength. I said, Lord, have mercy on me; make my soul well, because my faith is in you.
My haters say evil against me, When will he be dead, and his name come to an end? If one comes to see me, deceit is in his heart; he keeps a store of evil, which he makes public in every place. All my haters are talking secretly together against me; they are designing my downfall. They say, He has an evil disease, which will not let him go: and now that he is down he will not get up again. Even my dearest friend, in whom I had faith, who took bread with me, is turned against me. But you, O Lord, have mercy on me, lifting me up, so that I may give them their punishment. By this I see that you have pleasure in me, because my hater does not overcome me. And as for me, you are my support in my righteousness, giving me a place before your face for ever. May the Lord God of Israel be praised, through eternal days and for ever. Amen, and Amen.
今日 #主日詩篇41 讀著讀著, 不禁與現今社會的職場霸凌現象聯想在一起。深切感受到,即使是人生勝利組的大衛,在生命的過程中也屢遭屈辱。但他知道上帝阿爸父的同在,也全心的向上帝阿爸父傾吐與禱告。因此,我們選畫策展的是蘇格蘭最著名的畫作之一,由蘇格蘭亨利·雷伯恩爵士(RA RSA FRSE, 1756 - 1823 )浪漫主義畫作,《滑冰牧師(羅伯特·沃克牧師在達丁斯頓湖上溜冰)》(The Skating Minister (The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, 1784))。願內心正在經歷委屈掙扎的朋友,能像大衛一般把含冤受屈但又無處申訴的心情轉向上帝阿爸父。與此同時,也能以運動一下來轉化身心,就像畫中的滑冰牧師一樣,以高效但困難的「移動姿勢」溜冰,雙臂交叉在胸前,嚴肅的黑色服裝與達丁斯頓湖的狂野背景形成鮮明對比,是浪漫主義風格中帶點浪漫的小幽默,一切困難自己盡力就好,剩下的放心交給上帝來動工,阿們!阿們!