習慣在黑夜裡找答案 孤單像影子躲在左邊 妳的微笑是溫暖的燈塔 照亮我心裡迷失的海岸 每一次呼吸都帶著牽掛 像雨滴落在心田發芽 妳是風 我是浮動的葉片 在涼薄中找到了平安 依賴是風吹不散的思念 每當眼神交匯如初次遇見 任憑世界傾斜 時間變遷 我都留在妳手心裡的那一面 就像潮汐追著月亮的步伐 我的心總在妳方向浮滑 無論距離再遠 天塌地分岔 每個念頭都回到妳的身下 我願意成為妳魚缸的水 抱著妳的夢 每點滴都珍貴 就算繁星墜落 天光變鈍灰 還有妳點燃我不滅的回味 (Accustomed to finding answers in the night, Loneliness hides like a shadow on the left. Your smile is a warm lighthouse, Illuminating the lost shores of my heart. Every breath carries longing, Like raindrops sprouting in the heart's field. You are the wind, I am the floating leaf, Finding peace in the cool thin air. Dependence is a longing that the wind cannot scatter, Each time our eyes meet, like the first encounter. Regardless of the world tilting, time changing, I remain in the palm of your hand. Like the tide chasing the steps of the moon, My heart always drifts in your direction. No matter how far, even if the sky collapses and the earth splits, Every thought returns to you. I am willing to be the water in your fish tank, Embracing your dreams, cherishing each drop. Even if the stars fall and daylight turns dull gray, You ignite my undying aftertaste.)