20. Tim的印度處女行

2017/08/12閱讀時間約 2 分鐘







Despite the notorious fact that India is a dirty, dangerous, devil-like country, it can sometimes be adorable in same way at the same time. Indians often come forward to foreigners and ask for their origins, following by some trash-talk to upsell you of different hotels, pack&go tours, souvenirs. However, they usually whole-heartlly aim for better profit for themselves, not to do harm to us. Up still this moment, I luckily did not run into any pick-pockets, thieves, robberies, I can use my first-hand experience to clarify that India is not as portrait as in the media. This place demands more attention and awareness.

If you have time(money is never a problem), do take a week or two to drop by the Incredible India.


Tim:) 【HKG】 2017 Jul 18



Darren Cheng
Darren Cheng
Darren是我爸給我的名字,不是英文老師取的。台北是我媽生下我的地方。成癮於記錄事情,相機也好文字也罷,一直相信著把生命丟到路上,就會看見它原本的樣子,喜歡在生活旅行也在旅行中生活。現在的我正找回人生的主導權,在一段注定有結尾的旅程中,過一個80歲後依舊有著無數故事可說的人生。 好吧簡單來說,我喜歡閱讀寫字、攝影旅行、瘋狂做自己。