Sixteen Diary - Flower in the thorns

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Hey, Stranger. How have you been today? Do you feel more comfortable or happier than yesterday?
Nothing important than yourself but I know that God is the biggest and I should that obey his words more than mine. Lord, I don’t want to let myself stay in such weak circumstance that I ever experienced pain. Everybody has their sorrowful stories, however no one can judge their future even imaging why do they happen such things. No one escaped from life mock nonetheless someone can catch his ambition to get over the difficulties no matter how they got success or not. They got a reborn self that I really admired and anticipated myself to overcome my feeble again and again.
Today, Some of the recruiter invite me to interview. That’s really an inspiring new to me; on the other hand, I still think that I can’t achieve their expectation in their imagination. The coffee shop filled with hard-working people and loud and leisure music around. That I ever imagined that I would stand American land and proud of myself someday but it actually just a dream if I can’t build foundation first and turning crisis to turning point; in that case, I will be stand in Taiwan that can’t do more things in the future. What is a horror in my next ten years. I can’t accept this evidence in my life although I still have unsure determination about studying aboard. Lord, you give me strength from abyss and save us life. Help me more to overcome my weakness and I put them in front of you. I know that you’re god no matter what the result is. I love you always and I know that you’re the same, too.
  Be gentle and brace up!

1. Obedient a.服從的,順從的,恭順的
e.g. She is obedient to his parent.
e.g. We sat down, obedient to the wishes of Oliver.
2. 憂愁 sad, worried, depressed, gloomy, with a sorrowful heart
3. 嘲弄 to mock, to deride, to jeer, to make fun of , to poke fun at, to trifle with
4. 但是 adv. conj. nonetheless
5. slander v.毀謗
e.g. No matter how they slander us, we will never give in(讓步).
6. 一方面 one side, one facet, for one thing, on the one hand, for one thing, for another, on the one part, on the other part.
7. 那麼 then, so, in such a manner (or way), in that case.
8. 深淵 abyss, chasm, gulf
9. Bustle v.催促,忙碌,充滿(+ with)
e.g. The city is bustling with life.
10. Brace v.振作,鼓起勇氣 (+up)
e.g. She braced up for the arduous(艱鉅的)task.
Mime的沙龍 的其他內容
你得不到,是因為不屬於你;放不下,因為你不甘心。失去所愛雖然傷心,但失去不愛你的人,又有什麼可惜? 種下良善的種子,歷經一些不甘與痛,才有機會萌芽開花。 十年太長,什麼都有可能會變。一輩子太短,一件事也可能做不完。 放不下的人真的很懦弱,不敢直視自己的命運,也不能勇敢接受失去,想念在髮梢間伺機而動,
10:11 night   Dear, How have you been? Do you feel happier day by day? Do you finish your matters in hand on time? No, however god help me overcome w
12:49 noon  Lord, I’m afraid that I will be useless like a normal person in the world. How could I arrange my life to follow up those successful and
Starting time: 5:20 afternoon   I’ve a plan that I need to accomplish to write 300 words in diary in twenty-five minutes. Can I achieve the goal? Ha!
5:32 afternoon   Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I
1:07 p.m.   Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Alth
你得不到,是因為不屬於你;放不下,因為你不甘心。失去所愛雖然傷心,但失去不愛你的人,又有什麼可惜? 種下良善的種子,歷經一些不甘與痛,才有機會萌芽開花。 十年太長,什麼都有可能會變。一輩子太短,一件事也可能做不完。 放不下的人真的很懦弱,不敢直視自己的命運,也不能勇敢接受失去,想念在髮梢間伺機而動,
10:11 night   Dear, How have you been? Do you feel happier day by day? Do you finish your matters in hand on time? No, however god help me overcome w
12:49 noon  Lord, I’m afraid that I will be useless like a normal person in the world. How could I arrange my life to follow up those successful and
Starting time: 5:20 afternoon   I’ve a plan that I need to accomplish to write 300 words in diary in twenty-five minutes. Can I achieve the goal? Ha!
5:32 afternoon   Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I
1:07 p.m.   Today, I accepted an interview about iOS Engineer in the nan-gang exhibition building. I finally confront my fear about my weakness. Alth
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
在今天(也是近期)最糟糕的時候我居然久違地有了「想找個人說說話」的念頭。但這個人不能是朋友,而是一個強大的、一種近似於曾經的上位者的存在,對我來說這樣的傾訴才能得到我想要也需要的回應。然而我靠著自己爬起來了,這是不是代表我其實也很強大? 也讓我開始思考,如果這段時間我不是一個人、一直以來都依靠著上
最近外場來了一位新員工,他是大學生,個性開朗樂觀又健談,很快與外場的大家打成一片,我也是多次聊天中,與他成為了朋友。 但如此樂觀的他,有一天開始突然變得不太與我們說話,一整天鬱鬱寡歡、悶悶不樂的樣子,即使問了他也不回答,雖然很擔心他,但是如果對方不願意說,也不能逼他說。 有一天下班,
「祢還好嗎?」 我看著祢憔悴的樣子。 「最近我想了很多事。」 「關於好的、壞的,自己存活過的每一日。」 「與他人生命的敗壞擦身而過的失落。」 「但我一直都不曾出現過呢。」 「一直躲在祢與妳的身後。」 「不願直面這個世界。」 「因為我一直都理解,也一直都在嘗試理解。」 「所以已經夠了
不論是求助還是幫助別人,最終還是要回歸初心,認清自己的狀態與意圖。 祝福你我,在人生這條路上獨行之餘,有時也能互相幫扶。
好險,在這個分頁【菜b導日記】的第一篇中,我有發過誓,不然我可能會經常在生氣?! 這1018天我發誓不會討厭你們任一,我會陪在你們身邊。 #導師的修煉 之 自己心累的時候該如何自救? 為了遵守這個你們不知道只有我自己知道的誓言, 所以, 不管你們誰做了會令我生氣、失望、困擾、抓狂
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
在今天(也是近期)最糟糕的時候我居然久違地有了「想找個人說說話」的念頭。但這個人不能是朋友,而是一個強大的、一種近似於曾經的上位者的存在,對我來說這樣的傾訴才能得到我想要也需要的回應。然而我靠著自己爬起來了,這是不是代表我其實也很強大? 也讓我開始思考,如果這段時間我不是一個人、一直以來都依靠著上
最近外場來了一位新員工,他是大學生,個性開朗樂觀又健談,很快與外場的大家打成一片,我也是多次聊天中,與他成為了朋友。 但如此樂觀的他,有一天開始突然變得不太與我們說話,一整天鬱鬱寡歡、悶悶不樂的樣子,即使問了他也不回答,雖然很擔心他,但是如果對方不願意說,也不能逼他說。 有一天下班,
「祢還好嗎?」 我看著祢憔悴的樣子。 「最近我想了很多事。」 「關於好的、壞的,自己存活過的每一日。」 「與他人生命的敗壞擦身而過的失落。」 「但我一直都不曾出現過呢。」 「一直躲在祢與妳的身後。」 「不願直面這個世界。」 「因為我一直都理解,也一直都在嘗試理解。」 「所以已經夠了
不論是求助還是幫助別人,最終還是要回歸初心,認清自己的狀態與意圖。 祝福你我,在人生這條路上獨行之餘,有時也能互相幫扶。
好險,在這個分頁【菜b導日記】的第一篇中,我有發過誓,不然我可能會經常在生氣?! 這1018天我發誓不會討厭你們任一,我會陪在你們身邊。 #導師的修煉 之 自己心累的時候該如何自救? 為了遵守這個你們不知道只有我自己知道的誓言, 所以, 不管你們誰做了會令我生氣、失望、困擾、抓狂