Asia Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Annual General Meeting

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Location: The Lin Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan
Date: 2018/7/16–18

It is my first time to attend Taipei Business Association In Singapore’s Taiwan Annual Meeting, it is more about learning what is happening in this event, everything is so fresh for me. If you are under 40, you can join the junior chapter and learn how to run a business association, ex. voting, arrange the event or making the speech. The most interesting part is I got a first chance to see Taiwan president and governor’s speech closely.

There are 2 types of people in this event:
(1) Starting a business by themselves
(2) The 2nd generation of a family business

Sometimes your background and mindset already determined how or who you are going to talk, and how the people evaluate you in the first talk. Sometimes talking to the people for 2nd type is a little bit difficult, because they didn’t try hard as the 1st type, so sometimes they don’t understand why you can’t get what they have.

There are lots of chance to social networking with new people, members in business association and even in the junior chapter are more traditional and protective, you shall try to talk about the less personal topic in the first meeting. And you could try to listen more about what other people’s doing, rather talking about what you are doing.

If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at

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本就對於新創產業具有高度興趣的我,因去年實習工作,認識Meet Taipei 這項全台新創展會,記得去年參展公司不可勝數,初參展的我即被許多商業模式與創新想法所驚豔,因此得知今年將於圓山舉辦,趁當兵休假時特別抽空去逛逛,也了解最近之新創風潮與新興商業模式。
你能想像在一個聚集了2000個企業主的盛大年會上會是什麼樣的情景嗎? 這是一場充滿活力和熱情的盛會,而我也決定成為其中的一員,體驗到了其中的種種精彩與挑戰。讓我帶你一起回顧這次冒險之旅,看看我在這次年會上都觀察到了什麼有趣的事情。 大型活動的動線規劃和基礎設施 首先,大型活動的動線規劃至關
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感謝JTBA日本台灣生技協會會長的邀請,讓我有機會在台北的一間咖啡廳分享日本留學有關的相關資訊以及心得感想。對我而言,雖然是以講者的身分參加這場活動,但是我其實也從聽眾的回饋當中獲益良多,感受到了當時決定要赴日前的那種正向的積極能量。 這篇文章整理了活動紀錄以及我覺得關於日本留學很重要的幾個Q&A
【記者:劉效益/ 報導】 北美洲台灣商會聯合總會青商部現任會長林維洋於1月15日攜手中華藝術文化交流推廣協會理事長林蘭芷於台北大直萬豪酒店主辦2024台美青商年度大會暨國際論壇,邀請全球頂尖企業專家,深化國際合作與交流。這是北美洲台灣商會聯合總會在2024年第一次在台灣舉辦理監事會議。 與會貴
今天是新竹市地政士公會的大日子 一年一度的會員大會 說真的 新竹市地政士公會會員200多人 會員大會辦的很成功 很多會員都出席了 這是菜鳥地政士的我第一次參加 我的感想是: 1.不論是社團或公司經營 領導者很重要 決定成敗 但領導者的特質不是人人都有 像我就不是 2.地政界很多