Dear Chi Chi 出色的汽車和大房子...或漂亮的衣服對狗狗來說都沒有什麼實質意義 A dog has no use for fancy cars...or big homes or designer clothes. 一隻浸水的樹根他就很滿足了 A waterlogged stick will do just fine. 狗狗並不在乎你是貧窮還是富有...是聰明還是愚笨, 天才還是傻瓜 A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor...clever or dull, smart or dumb 你奉獻給牠你的心 牠也會給你牠的心 Give 'em your heart and he'll give you his. 世上有多少人能為你做到這樣? How many people can you say that about? 世上有多少人能讓你感受到你是珍貴的完全的或特別的?? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? 世上有多少人能讓你感受到... 你是獨一無二的? How many people can make you feel... extraordinary?"
From Film "Marley and Me"
I forgot to tell you how much I love you I forgot to tell you how much I care you So I spend many years learning so much Just spend time what dog I really matter, just spend time what dog that's true love