January 23

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
Why put off until later something that is your divine heritage now? I AM within you, closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. Can you accept it? Or do you still have doubts and wonder if it is possible? It is something all individuals have to work out for themselves. They can be told it over and over again, but until they are willing to accept it as fact, and to know the wonder of it, it means nothing to them. Or it is just a lovely dream that perhaps one day may become reality. What time is wasted in doubting and disbelief! It is only when you know the truth that the truth sets you free. Hearing about it, talking about it, or reading about it does not do it .The truth has to live and move and have its being within you .Then it does set you free, and you know the true meaning of freedom of heart, mind and spirit.
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