All the things are THE SAME >.<
一個學生說,這就是為什麼大家很無聊,因為沒有什麼新鮮事。無聊到過年時,他的活動就是 “玩手機+賭博+吃喝拉撒睡+講閒話+看電視”。然後繼續無聊~boring~。boring~無極限。boring~
Is there anything new and worth celebrating?
( 有任何新的或值得慶祝的事嗎?)
The wheel turns, nothing is ever new.
這邊的wheels可以是時間的輪軸(the wheel of time ) ,可以是命運之輪 ( the wheel of Fate ),這是在英國文學或諺語中常會出現的用詞。跟台灣或華人的「運命」一樣,也不一樣。
For me, I can’t agree more~ I definately agree with it. Since from the past until now, human being never change--- the environment, the way we talk, eat, and habits that a family ( or a society ) builds.
If all the elements that we absorb are of the same material, and with body limit as a human being possess, there won’t be too many surprising chemical effects. Anyone learns chemistry and physics will agree with it too!
But wait......
No, we got a new age now. As the world was vibrating in a high rapid frequency, should there be any differences?
Looking forward to hearing from you~.Godd news, bad news, any news if they are truely NEW enough.