10/29 張大春泡新聞/音樂五四三:Life on the Road

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週六22:00-24:00及周一凌晨04:00-06:00 播出 (CST)。FM98.1 News98電台。大台北地區以外請利用線上收聽 www.news98.com.tw 點選「線上收聽」鏈結即可。亦可利用 hiChannel 收聽。 關於搖滾樂的搖滾曲(之二):Life on the road

「在路上」,搖滾歌手的生涯,並不見得總是跟歌迷幻想的一樣浪漫刺激,回首過去這些年,太多才華橫溢的青年人,難以承受搖滾樂手「在路上」excessive的生活方式,而紛紛變成了殉道者。今天的歌裡,AC/DC是以過來人的身份告訴你幻滅的真相,我們同場加映Lucinda Williams剛剛發行的翻唱版。至於Lucinda自己的歌,則是以特寫蒙太奇的方式,向她欣賞的Replacements團長Paul Westerberg致敬,同時寫下了搖滾樂不堪與不朽並存的實態。

Dr. Hook的Cover of the Rolling Stone則是繪本作家Shel Silverstein填的詞(記得Johnny Cash的"A Boy Named Sue"嗎?也是他的詞),把嬉皮世代裝模作樣的搖滾巨星好好地揶揄了一番,並且順便讓當時纔創刊五年的Rolling Stone雜誌坐穩了青年次文化代言者的寶座。仔細看看歌詞,三十六年過去了,事情好像沒怎麼變嘛。


1. AC/DC - It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll) (1975)
2. Lucinda Williams - It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll) (AC/DC cover) (2008)
3. Lucinda Williams - Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings (2003)
4. Dr. Hook - The Cover of the Rolling Stone (1973)

It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'N' Roll)

Ridin' down the highway
Goin' to a show
Stop in all the by-ways
Playin' rock 'n' roll
Gettin' robbed
Gettin' stoned
Gettin' beat up
Broken boned
Gettin' had
Gettin' took
I tell you folks
It's harder than it looks

It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll
If you think it's easy doin' one night stands
Try playin' in a rock roll band
It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll

Hotel, motel
Make you wanna cry
Lady do the hard sell
Know the reason why
Gettin' old
Gettin' grey
Gettin' ripped off
Gettin' sold
Second hand
That's how it goes
Playin' in a band

It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll
If you wanna be a star of stage and screen
Look out it's rough and mean
It's a long way to the top
If you wanna rock 'n' roll

Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings

You've got a sense of humor
You're a mystery
I heard a rumor
You're making history

Photographic dialogues
Beneath your skin
Pornographic episodes
Screaming sin

'Til its real live bleeding fingers
Broken guitar strings

You are my Prince Charming
Draped in velvet robes
Of all that's alarming
Raw and exposed

Shattered nerves
Itchy skin
Dirty words
And heroin

Better real live bleeding fingers
Broken guitar strings

I climbed all the way inside
Your tragedy
I got behind
The majesty

Of the different shapes
In every note
The endless tapes
Of every word you wrote

With real live bleeding fingers
Broken guitar strings [2x]

Cover of the Rolling Stone

ah ha ha… I don't believe it... … hey Ray, hey Sugar, tell 'em who we are…)

Well, we big rock singers, we got golden fingers, and we're loved everywhere we go.
(That sounds like us)
We sing about beauty and we sing about truth at ten thousand dollars a show.
We take all kind of pills to give us all kind of thrills but the thrill we've never known
Is the thrill that'll getcha when you get your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

Rolling Stone – wanna see my picture on the cover-
Stone- wanna buy 5 copies for my mother-
Stone- wanna see my smilin' face
on the cover of the Rolling Stone.
(That's a very good idea…)

I got a freaky old lady name a' Cocaine Kitty who embroiders on my jeans.
I got my poor old gray-haired daddy
drivin' my limousine.
Now it's all designed to blow our minds
but our minds won't really be blown
like the blow that'll getcha when you get your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

Rolling Stone- wanna see our pictures on the cover-
Stone- wanna buy 5 copies for our mothers-
Stone- wanna see my smilin' face
on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

(Aw, that's just beautiful)

We got a lotta little teenage blue-eyed groupies
who do anything we say.
We got a genuine Indian guru
who's teachin' us a better way.
We got all the friends that money can buy
so we never have to be alone.
And we keep getting' richer but we can't get our picture
on the cover of the Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone- wanna see my picture on the cover-
Stone- wanna buy 5 copies for my mother-
Stone- wanna see my smilin' face on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

On the cover of the Rolling…
Wanna see my picture on the cover-
wanna buy 5 copies for my mother-
wanna see my smilin' face on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

(Man, I can see it now… there we are… on the front, smilin')


Google News 追蹤
前情提要 上週籌碼整理出:晶豪科(3006)、威剛(3260)、尼克森(3317)、昇達科(3491),其中尼克森大戶幾乎出光手中權證,所以暫不繼續追蹤;而表格紅色底是新加入的晟銘電(3013),元大南屯分點單日買超破千萬,週一的動向會是關鍵~ 牌股便當的定義 每日收盤後不定期更新,主要幫大家
樂天本場派出黃子鵬先發,昨天選擇把道博格放在牛棚,那麼第2場就只剩黃子鵬這個選項,老虎今年面對統一6場2勝2敗防禦率4.13,有趣的是這6場都是客場。 統一本場派出克維斯先發,昨天克維斯有在牛棚練投,如果戰局是平手或是領先,那麼昨天就很有可能壓克維斯中繼,不知道昨天的熱身對今天的先發會有多少
美股再度破底危機,200天移動平均線保衛戰 大戶提前佈局,叡揚週漲近2成;威剛投信轉賣,週跌1成
咱每天發文前的準備工作出乎訂閱者意料 本蛙在等待盤後數據公布,因為咱是「傻瓜青蛙」,沒有數據寫不出分析,很羨慕隨口憑「話術」瞎掰的人,瞎是因為「良心」是盲的~本蛙說的是cMoney的Allmoneyrise,一個坑殺散戶不擇手段的股市騙子,那個充滿噁心栽贓抹黑的『盜精筆記』網頁,就是他幕後經營的。
佛陀天降月十億倍功德增長期間,觀音山 禮請臺灣薩迦寺法師,連續六天透過線上直播共同恭誦《佛說千佛洪名寶懺》,法會具足三劫三千諸佛利益眾生的慈悲願力,可得無量殊勝功德利益。凡參加者皆能與過去莊嚴劫千佛、現在賢劫千佛、未來星宿劫千佛,結下殊勝解脫因緣,滅除無量的罪障,積聚廣大福德善因,招感不可思議果報。
🍄【走囉,一起去看表演】系列第一彈~《現代戲劇》 📚購買電子書連結在文章裡頭唷~👇 🔍史上第一本以臺灣劇場為主角的童書繪本唷! 希望透過繪本讓大人小孩在親子共讀的時光哩, 認識臺灣獨具特色的展演場館和在地文化, 並科普劇場小知識或是觀賞禮儀。 進劇場一點不困難,期待此書可以變成大家的「
一直長大一直長大 會變成什麼呢?
「有!當然有問題!為什麼我是不是打主攻,而是打接應二傳?」胡和大鳥的第一句說話,是用一條問題開始,而且是一條衝口而出的問題。 胡和大鳥就這樣扛上了,到底發生什麼事?
前情提要 上週籌碼整理出:晶豪科(3006)、威剛(3260)、尼克森(3317)、昇達科(3491),其中尼克森大戶幾乎出光手中權證,所以暫不繼續追蹤;而表格紅色底是新加入的晟銘電(3013),元大南屯分點單日買超破千萬,週一的動向會是關鍵~ 牌股便當的定義 每日收盤後不定期更新,主要幫大家
樂天本場派出黃子鵬先發,昨天選擇把道博格放在牛棚,那麼第2場就只剩黃子鵬這個選項,老虎今年面對統一6場2勝2敗防禦率4.13,有趣的是這6場都是客場。 統一本場派出克維斯先發,昨天克維斯有在牛棚練投,如果戰局是平手或是領先,那麼昨天就很有可能壓克維斯中繼,不知道昨天的熱身對今天的先發會有多少
美股再度破底危機,200天移動平均線保衛戰 大戶提前佈局,叡揚週漲近2成;威剛投信轉賣,週跌1成
咱每天發文前的準備工作出乎訂閱者意料 本蛙在等待盤後數據公布,因為咱是「傻瓜青蛙」,沒有數據寫不出分析,很羨慕隨口憑「話術」瞎掰的人,瞎是因為「良心」是盲的~本蛙說的是cMoney的Allmoneyrise,一個坑殺散戶不擇手段的股市騙子,那個充滿噁心栽贓抹黑的『盜精筆記』網頁,就是他幕後經營的。
佛陀天降月十億倍功德增長期間,觀音山 禮請臺灣薩迦寺法師,連續六天透過線上直播共同恭誦《佛說千佛洪名寶懺》,法會具足三劫三千諸佛利益眾生的慈悲願力,可得無量殊勝功德利益。凡參加者皆能與過去莊嚴劫千佛、現在賢劫千佛、未來星宿劫千佛,結下殊勝解脫因緣,滅除無量的罪障,積聚廣大福德善因,招感不可思議果報。
🍄【走囉,一起去看表演】系列第一彈~《現代戲劇》 📚購買電子書連結在文章裡頭唷~👇 🔍史上第一本以臺灣劇場為主角的童書繪本唷! 希望透過繪本讓大人小孩在親子共讀的時光哩, 認識臺灣獨具特色的展演場館和在地文化, 並科普劇場小知識或是觀賞禮儀。 進劇場一點不困難,期待此書可以變成大家的「
一直長大一直長大 會變成什麼呢?
「有!當然有問題!為什麼我是不是打主攻,而是打接應二傳?」胡和大鳥的第一句說話,是用一條問題開始,而且是一條衝口而出的問題。 胡和大鳥就這樣扛上了,到底發生什麼事?