Social media is good for young people

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Do you always use your social media?There are 4.5 billion use it in global .Social media is really common tool in 21st century and many of us like spending their countless time on it .According to the internet, social media is a collective terms for websites and applications focus on communication.Hong Kong people think that social media is not good for young people like us but I believe that using social media is not harmful as others think.It is beneficial for learning too .Let me tell you more about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
First point I want to say is social media is good for us because we can get great source for support and help others for those who need help. Using social media can let us learn more form others and let us to help others.last few days,I find out a study group on instagram .The members are all older than me .They always help me like giving me the extra notes, tell me how they study.We always discuss the better way to study through the social media.We get on well with study together using social media.Before,I don’t think social media can help us on studying .Now,I also learn that to help different people on social media.Using social media is a benefit because it can help us to get great source and let us to help each others.
Second ,social media can let us to show our creativity.For example,we can write some post on different blog or draw some picture and post on the media.We can let others know more about ourselves recently.When we are excellent enough ,we can earn money by yourself by getting job from others.I can’t image before!As a results,social media can let us to show our creativity ,it is good for young people like us!
Furthermore,someone may think that using social media is not good for young people ,it may decrease face to face communication skills because they always use social media but they don’t communicate each other even through they meet. However, using social media can improve the social skills too because we may feel frightened when you saw other offline, when we change the situation to online ,we may be brave to know other deeply ,so we can talk to others brave when we meet offline.Therefore,social media is good for face to face skills .It is not other people think.
In conclusion, social media is good for young people like us.Not using social media is more harmful that using.However,we must aware of the social skills because when we are offline .Please don’t online talking when you meet offline.What needs to be done, social media is good for young people.

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Aurelia Quý Ngân, tên thật là Nguyễn Quý Ngân, là một chuyên gia hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực quảng cáo TikTok và hiện đang làm việc tại Quảng Cáo Siêu Tốc
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人際網路在任何時候都很重要,但是有的人誤會了「人脈」的意思,覺得只要每天都有不同的局,跟越多人吃過飯、拍過照,就是擁有了人脈,其實大部分時候只是擁有了「名片」 以前我年輕的時候也會想要突破自己的圈層,想跟厲害的人多相處、多學習 「向上社交」指的不應該只是針對「社經地位」⋯⋯